Nos divertimos de una manera terrible. ¿Ahora sale Ud. antes, tanto mejor. — ° darse prisa to hurry trasero [adj] rear, back ° dedo pulgar thumb. fibra fiber. They began to run when they saw the police. ° unirse to unite, join What's my bank balance this month? Le subió la temperatura. What material's this made of? presa prey Déme un sorbo de agua. Tiene una voz muy aguda. ▲ draft ▲ to decide ° estar hasta la coronilla de to be fed up with Esto es de calidad superior. Please detain him for a minute. El enlace de trenes es excelente en esta estación. Echó el dos del triunfo. — ° poner al corriente to inform, tell, bring one up to date ausentarse to leave, absent oneself Estos cristales no están limpios. Tenía los ojos inyectados. ▲ long, extended insensato senseless, stupid, foolish. debajo de beneath, under Perdimos el tren. Vamos a ensayar el nuevo material. avisar to notify, inform What a bad time we've had ! ▲ avenue, broad street [Col] Hoy es la víspera de la fiesta. Hay que aguantarse. Esas son locuras de la juventud. crear to create El galán de esa compañía es muy malo. Who can prevent it? The table leg's broken. Este otro me gusta más. He passed right by without looking at me. All rooms have a private bath. ° darle a uno gana(s) to want, desire ° del país domestic Se produjo una huelga. palma palm (leaf, tree) Somebody's knocking at the door. A squadron of cavalry led the march. ▲ small amount over We had a very good time the other night. ▲ match ° ingresos earnings, income Que en paz descanse. trámite [m] business transaction. I have a callus on the sole of my foot. ▲ rail, fence [Arg] ▲ [n] mute (person unable to talk). Louis the Sixteenth reigned in France in the eighteenth century. The apartment has a large living room. We took it for granted. pausa rest; break. Compramos unas bolas de tenis. He has a very good build. Este camino vuelve a la derecha. de of, -'s gracia wit, charm, grace. Importó cien mil toneladas de trigo. Se casó con una muchacha muy joven. ° al salir el sol at sun-up, at sunrise The priest assembled the parishioners in the church. ° tener vistas a to face ▲ dew ° secreto a voces open secret. ahorrar to save ° lado a lado side by side ° meterse uno en lo que no le importa to be nosy Estaba vestida con elegancia. combatir to combat, fight, oppose, attack. These lush babes are here for you – free to download and watch, carefully selected in categories by our team of experts in the vast field of the adult movies. Have you read the communique? Con ese tren de vida se van a arruinar. ° de hoy en ... días ... days from today Iremos de hoy en ocho días. ▲ not even Parta Ud. El infierno está empedrado de buenos propósitos. El traje tiene un color sufrido. viaje [m] trip, travel He went toward his house. Could you fix this fountain pen for me? dulce [adj] sweet. ▲ to become ill, sick It's a room large enough for a library. ° poner pleito to sue, bring suit against. aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas [adj] that, these colaborador [m] collaborator, co-worker. Ponga la red bien tirante. De hecho quedó convencido. He devotes all his time to his work. Though I wasn't born in the country, I know it very well. arrimar to place or put near or close orientarse to find one's bearings, to orient oneself. || Los ladrones falsearon la puerta. pasar to pass, overtake ° tener frío to feel (or be) cold recorrido route, course, run Do you want to come? He was lying on the couch. portada entrance, lintel (of door in front part of house) aumentar to increase Ese trabajo no tiene peros. What do you want to eat? ▲ to sew (on) ▲ to know, be acquainted with ° echar chispas [Fam] to rage, be furious ° en voz alta aloud. Se le paralizaron los miembros. Al fin nos libramos de él. That strong light blinds me. ° coche-cama sleeping car, Pullman The idea started at the party. Hold on to the reins. What's the width of the material? He enjoyed doing harm. "His name's George." El avión volaba por encima de las nubes. No he oído cuántas campanadas eran. Since his illness he's been very weak. ° enamorarse de to fall in love with. You must solve it with all possible speed. ¿Dónde obtuvo Ud. ¿Quién responde de él? rechazar to discard, reject, turn down ° echarse to lie down She even slept in a dog basket under a blanket in their bedroom to keep warm. Would you like to see the football game? He was as faithful to him as a dog. Do you think the road's wide enough for cars? bajar to go down, descend ¿Cuáles son sus referencias? I can buy on credit at this store. The material tore when it was stretched. We took a long hike up to the summit. They informed the police immediately. Se emociona fácilmente. ° tocar en lo vivo to cut to the quick. biombo screen Había una pila de cosas en el cuarto. ° tal cual as nadie nobody, no one, not anybody, not anyone ▲ jet (gas stove) ° sacar ventaja to take the lead He's a man of high position. "No, no lo haré." Aplastaron toda resistencia. darme lumbre? El doctor le recetó una medicina. Offering plastic-free essentials since 2006 for your journey toward a zero waste lifestyle. Dissolve the tablet in a glass of water. They set fire to the house. ° afeitarse to shave (oneself). La idea nació durante la fiesta. I wish he'd come! What country are you a citizen of? After winning all the matches, he got the title of champion. The portrait had a dark background. || Hasta la vista. We've kept up a correspondence for years. ▲ folly Se empezó a rodar la película. sordo deaf Which congressmen were elected? You'll understand it later on. Let's draw straws to see who pays. Anyone can do that. Seria de la mayor conveniencia que viniese Ud. ▲ committee, delegation presidente [m] president I'm certainly glad to see you. No vaya Ud. El asfalto se ablandó con el calor. ° en rigor in fact. It was very cold that winter. ° estar en deuda to be indebted Some people have no patience. He was left all alone. It's a thankless job. He works diligently. No hay prueba(s) para condenarlo. trabajo work reservado (See reservar) reserved Hablemos de ello. Tenemos que tomar una determinación. almacén [m] warehouse, stockroom; store, shop; department store; [Arg] grocery store. He was beside himself with anger. ¿Cuánto me llevará Ud. Let's go! Los niños están alborotando mucho. That woman outshines her husband. He swims like a fish. Quiso mediar en la discusión. The letter's in my possession. resistir to resist, put up resistance fundición [f] melting; foundry. Llegó a interesarse en las matemáticas. It was an act of courage. He graduated from Law School. sed [f] thirst They were amazed at his courage. ¿Tiene Ud. Topé con él en la calle. Estuvieron tomando el sol mucho rato. He just talks for the sake of talking. mejorar to improve, recover I see him every day. Me estoy devanando los sesos para encontrar una solución. Echaron a correr al ver al policía. ° inquietarse to become restless, to become worried ° descartarse (de) to discard (at cards) ° acercarse a to approach loco insane, crazy ° descubrirse to take off one's hat. Es un caso sin remedio. Déle vueltas a la manivela. Está al servicio del estado. retirar to withdraw ° cruzarse de brazos to fold one's arms; to be idle. ° ceñirse to confine or limit oneself He glanced from one to the other, hoping for an answer. soler [rad-ch I] to be in the habit of, have the custom of I bought it from John. ▲ to look at [Am] negro [adj] black. ° estar quebrado to be ruptured. ° (agua de) Colonia toilet water. conveniencia self-interest, good, advantage From youth he lived in luxury. Voy a sentarle en la última fila. No quería unirse con nadie en aquel negocio. ¡Tarde o temprano me la pagarás! His book brought him great fame. The letter has many corrections. The sky's clear today. ° hacer un barro to make a break, to put one's foot in it [Arg]. He estado parado mucho rato. ¿Hay algún piso desocupado? Abrió el grifo y salió un chorro de agua. I hurt my foot. The building has exits on all sides. ▲ to infect with, communicate ° tener gana(s) de to feel like. ¿Cuál es el título del libro? ▲ mild ° saber al dedillo to know perfectly. Ha ingresado mucho dinero en la caja de ahorros. ¿Qué ruido es ese? reparto sharing, distribution; delivery (of goods, mail). el canon del Colorado? ▲ [m] savage, uncivilized person Tuvo que rendir cuentas. ▲ lap What was the cause of his delay? He tried to get her on the phone without success. every other ... Since there are so many of us, we'll take turns at lunch. Vacíe Ud. Do it right now. Me asustaron sus gritos. ▲ bossy ° por aquí here, this way Cenaremos juntos y luego iremos al teatro. Me parece que está Ud. me dio. These lands were under foreign domination. Jot it down in your notebook. He married for money. The leniency of that teacher is known. ▲ crude I'll give it to you when I find it. Aseguró con una cuerda la carga del caballo. fallar to pass sentence Now, what do you think? Es un hombre de buen corazón. No te hagas el tonto, que te conozco. I'm superfluous here. ▲ beginning, source ° toque de corneta bugle-call. A mi reloj se le ha caído una aguja. It never snows in this country. centro center ¡Qué cosas tiene Ud.! Did he make up his mind to make the trip? Explotaba siempre a sus amigos. A más tardar, vendré el sábado. Lo toman por tonto. ▲ anyone (at all) We need a jack to change the wheel. He assumed an air of great importance. What that man's done is an outrage. La parte trasera del automóvil. He was a major in the Army. We had to go through a number of tunnels. rozar to clear (ground) No se ría Ud. ▲ duel ° tomar por su cuenta to take upon oneself derrumbarse to collapse, tumble down ° ganar tiempo to save time. ▲ world, environment, circle(s) No me gusta su apariencia. galante attentive He kept the truth from us. El tenor cantó muy bien el solo. They're designing new airplane models. A lo mejor mañana no llueve. ° boca abajo on one's stomach, face down Es un natural del Uruguay. No puedo esperarle más. Las mangas le estaban cortas. That work's flawless. We saw the military attache of the American Embassy. So what? Ahora le toca a Ud. el niño a la silla. me dijo eso y no hay tal cosa. I'm telling you this confidentially. oficinista [m, f] office worker, white-collar worker; clerk. a to matrimonio marriage No creo que se mantenga en su decisión. ° pensar de to think of, have an opinion of Los dos equipos se igualaron al final. He has a mark on his face. Éso plantea una dificultad. ▲ [n] passenger Lo resolvieron en privado. || Quiero ver a Nueva York [Am]. decisión [f] determination Se metió en la cama. ▲ shadow ° a todo trapo to beat the band They paid a severe penalty for what they did. Viven en las afueras de la ciudad. Todos los bancos están ocupados. — que lo haga de prisa. ▲ [adv] first, in the first place ° de mañana early in the morning Saqué dinero del banco. They adopted a little girl. ° a sus órdenes at your service. ▲ to get chilled La mantequilla se está derritiendo. Muchachos, no se afanen tanto. ° gente de bien honest people. ▲ stock exchange En aquel hotel nos mataban de hambre. cruda hangover [Mex], crudo raw, not cooked enough friolero chilly, sensitive to cold I'm waiting for my friend. ▲ use It's a cargo ship. Nos veremos en el mismo punto. Los más de aquellos hombres trabajaban en la mina. Las ruedas se enlodaron completamente. It'll surely rain today. Es un hombre curtido por la vida. igualar to equal Tengo el as de copas. They're out for a good time. ¿Acudió Ud. Insistió en salir a la calle. ▲ patch (of ground or vegetation) indispuesto (see indisponer) set against; indisposed, ill. individuo individual, person, guy Escribe en colaboración con su hermano. ▲ to knock Está sola; hágale compañía. Le confiaron la administración de sus negocios. El suelo estaba cubierto de hojas. ▲ pansy (flower). Ese hombre es responsable del incendio. Don't be crazy! I have only two classes this year. Le gustaba ilustrarse viajando. ° de etiqueta formal ▲ to impede, hinder His absence worries me. La compañía tiene un capital de un millón de dólares. Se echó en la arena. Hicieron comparecer a ambas partes ante el juez. pero [conj] but Hay que solicitar un permiso para visitar ese edificio. exacto exact, correct ° cuanto antes as soon as possible ▲ perdida [f] loose woman. That's the question we have to solve. She wore very sheer hose. Su madre es la persona más indicada para decírselo. "Al contrario, no la ha dicho." ° ¡qué! le [obj pron] him, to him, to her, to you, to it; [pl] them, to them, to you. No sacó ningún provecho de aquel negocio. Está encargado de la organización de la fiesta. They haven't soldered the pipe yet. ▲ to rise ° firmes [m pl] roadbed Make a bundle of these clothes. escasear to be scarce ▲ well vena vein. alegrar to brighten (up) Es una persona muy particular. Esa empresa tiene muy buen nombre. We'll do it this way from now on. que no es nada. ° una mujer ligera de cascos featherbrained woman. socorrer to help One of his shoelaces was loose. Se rasgó los pantalones. ° buena traza good appearance. This newspaper has very good sources of information. He couldn't help what happened. Do you acknowledge your mistake? The crown of this hat's too high. I say it and I stick to it. plata silver ¿Determinó Ud. From amateur sex to kinky BDSM and other fetish scenes â weâve got it all and we offer it all to you for free! I'll have to tell my boss that I won't be in tomorrow. He gave me foolish advice. I told you that before. ° valerse de to make use of, avail oneself of She was a very small woman. Hay que principiar el trabajo inmediatamente. Son tal para cual. That man has good luck. confianza en mí? ▲ bundle [Am] On whose authority is she doing that? worn at the bottom. ° apoyarse to support oneself, lean Al verla pasar le echó una flor. lo que me ha ocurrido hoy? ° por supuesto of course They're going to exile him. ▲ pole ° a pie on foot Compraron una cesta de fruta. ° llamar la atención to attract attention Yesterday we covered ten miles. ▲ [m] coins, change [Am] Salieron antes que nosotros llegásemos. When he spoke he gave himself away. ° no más que only Trepó al árbol con gran dificultad. Esa obra se estrenó en Broadway la semana pasada. A Mexican taught him Spanish. He lives too far from the city. chequear to check, put a check next to [Am]. tu pl tus [adj; Fam] your Se le ha enconado la herida. Esa parte del país está llena de bosques. How long must one wait for a long-distance call? He had steak and fried potatoes. ▲ then Put aside those fears. Por el periódico puede Ud. ° estar con prisa to be in a hurry deber to owe ni neither, nor. ° casa de socorro emergency hospital. He makes life miserable for everyone around him. ° dolor de cabeza headache. ° pintarse to make up He'll come back around Christmas. ▲ to grumble Es una de la modelas de la tienda. I had to pay a high interest. He likes to show off. ▲ wrong. El portero vive en el bajo. Dress warmly so you won't get chilled. ▲ loose Es un persona muy comunicativa. Tengo clase un día si y otro no. persuadir to persuade, convince She prizes this souvenir very highly. He was very happy. Don't complicate the matter. He got what he wanted against all odds. ° un cualquiera a nobody, low-down fellow She's to blame for everything. La situación de la colina era muy favorable. ° ropa limpia clean laundry. Sufrieron una severa pena por lo que hicieron. Modesty was his greatest attribute. These blankets are very warm. The children are making a lot of noise. ▲ place, spot I don't know how to get out of that engagement. ▲ to amount Se me han roto los cristales de las gafas y el del reloj. ▲ to surrender Sopla un norte muy fuerte. enrollar to roll up Parece que el día aclara. She is offended because of what they told her. Be careful, you'll burn yourself. Dio rienda al llanto. Nos tocarán par-tes iguales. ▲ to feel out Dejaron abierta la llave del gas. The result of the game is doubtful. Tell me the exact time. Voy al cine cada ocho días. There's a sale today in that department store. lo que no siente! observar to notice He was lame after the fall. ▲ slant He's spilled the wine. ° hacia abajo downward, down I'll leave the second or third of next month. ▲ to assume celebrar to celebrate, commemorate ° por allí that way It was a good backhand shot. Se reunieron para negociar las condiciones de paz. ° ¿cuántos? I think the bell rang. El significado de esta frase es más bien o(b)scuro. Santiago, patrón de España. ¿Conque esas tenemos? He's handled that job for a long time. Era un chico muy encogido. ° variedades vaudeville show. ▲ snare, trap This is a very dangerous jump. ° poner en limpio to make a final copy These shoes hurt. That man's not of Spanish speech. Omit the pepper from the soup. ▲ to recommend, advise Viene de muy buena familia. La medicina le sacó la fiebre. Tengo una cortada en la mano. común common, usual, general Do it as I tell you. The savages attacked the fort. You can no longer claim that money. ▲ to, in order to ▲ fierce ° de este modo (in) this way The train is late. I'll take the one I happen to like best. Esa emisión será difundida a toda América. tantear to estimate, consider He became accustomed to working in the office. I got home drenched. This box is made of tin. Se estaban riendo a carcajadas. ▲ position I waited till the following day. Tell it to the Marines! Comunique Ud. ° por duplicado in duplicate Friday. ▲ course virtud [f] virtue, good quality; efficacy, power. — Cuando Ud. The nerve of that man was irritating. heredar to inherit ¡Qué atrocidad! presunción [f] conceit, presumption, vanity. aviso announcement, notice, warning ▲ it (or that) depends He'll find out sooner or later. ▲ order (commercial) americano ¿verdad? Llevaba una banda roja cruzada al pecho. ▲ honest, good. ¡Perdón! ¿Quién es ese chico? Los dos trabajos son muy parecidos. ° identificarse con to identify oneself with. naranja orange. Leave a blank. Don't be so eager, boys. The granary was empty. The loss of their mother grieved them very much. cubierta wrapping ¿Qué van a beber Uds.? ▲ to project, show The government ought to promote the arts. escapatoria escapade, prank What are the terms of the contract? A poco de llegar nosotros a la estación, llegó el tren. Nadie se opuso a aquel proyecto. Está fijo. ▲ pair Reunió todos sus amigos en una fiesta. Este árbol tiene las raices muy hondas. contrariedad [f] disappointment What he said didn't set well with me. ° tomar la responsabilidad to take (assume) responsibility ° echar una mano to lend a hand. Al oír aquello, se descompuso. Después habló el abogado defensor. Necesito una bolsa de papel para guardarlo. ▲ squarely El viajero estaba muy cansado. Este trabajo hay que hacerlo con cabeza. tierra earth El herido se curó en tres días. Suprima Ud. de traje? He made a fortune playing the stock market. ▲ figure su trabajo pronto. They accused him of manslaughter. The violin isn't tuned. There was a great deal of conjecture as to what would happen. ▲ able, competent Hay que quitar esta cantidad del total. ▲ broken ▲ remote spot Considere de nuevo el problema. They disarmed the soldiers. ▲ trick ° por acá around here I don't give a hoot. Nunca pierde la cabeza. Oímos las campanas de la iglesia. I think the same as you. forzoso compulsory, unavoidable He has brown hair. ▲ irregular, uneven ° guardar reserva to use discretion, be discreet ▲ dubious, suspicious ▲ colonist I don't think that color becomes you. ¿Quién es ese individuo? ° azararse to be embarrassed ° por favor please ▲ to be left, remain empañar to blur, dim The ship's hull is damaged. ▲ to become spoiled Cercaron la finca con alambrado. You don't have to come to see me. Sus negocios van viento en popa. Tiene mucha viveza de ingenio. Marriage license. Le gusta llevar la contra. Turn off the faucet in the bath tub. I'm cold. ° por fin at last Se rompió una costilla montando en bicicleta. They lit a bonfire. Ese sastre usa siempre muy buenos géneros. They stripped him of his last penny. ▲ to carry, have representante [adj] representative. sueño sleep She adapts herself to circumstances. ¿Cómo se llama esto? vecindad [f] tenants improbable improbable. ▲ to ripen (of fruit) grima ▲ to prevail desabrigarse to take off outer clothing, to expose oneself (to cold). That water pipe leaks. cita engagement, appointment, date The plan of the new building's ready. ° en guardia on guard For rent. Me salí del teatro. Al salir el sol se empezó la marcha. ensenada cove. ° tener hambre to be hungry. ▲ frank, unaffected Andaba dando tumbos. Look here! ayunas tan callado? (person possessing a Spanish degree equivalent in the U.S. to a high-school diploma plus two years of college). humor [m] humor, mood This article has to go through the censor's office. He won by a few points. How are you? Lo hizo de buena gana. domicilio residence ° distinguirse to distinguish oneself. Fué un escritor de mucho ingenio. ▲ to fit in ▲ diversion, pastime, amusement ▲ to advance, make progress, get ahead You're talking too much. cigarrería place where cigars and cigarettes are made or sold [Am]. ¿Entiende Ud. ° la pura verdad absolute or unvarnished truth De repente se puso a correr. fastidiar to annoy, bother fenómeno phenomenon; freak. Llevaba la carga a cuestas. paraíso paradise, heaven; upper gallery (in a theater). Shop for your look with Reebok footwear and apparel. ▲ look, appearance ▲ afterwards dirección [f] direction Es un hombre muy responsable. Venden artículos de deportes. || entonces at the time, then ¡Hombre, no fastidies con esas bromas! Está enfermo en cama desde hace tres meses. El da a entender que no le interesa. ° levantar planos to draw up plans determinado determined [Am] Estábamos hablando en serio. ° dar un salto mortal to turn a somersault. The income exceeds the outgo. In South America there are many traces of Indian culture. ¿Cuánto vale ese traje? ° ¿a dónde? That's news to me. Le atropello un auto. They fixed the terms of the deal. firma signature The year before last we went to Europe. ▲ sight, peculiar looking person He was well known in his country. The porter will put your suitcase on the train. Me crucé con él en la calle. ▲ to determine, make out hincar to drive ° poner como un trapo to insult, skin alive. Se miraban zinos a otros. He's just received his Ph.D. Es un caso muy particular. ▲ to arrange, organize Hoy no se fia mañana sí. ° machacar en hierro frío to work in vain, be useless — ° dar margen to give an opportunity y siéntese. ▲ to draw acerca de about, concerning ° mover la cola to wag the tail. When we arrived they were about to leave. He liked to be in the limelight. El porvenir parecía muy negro. ° exceso de peso excess weight. El automóvil se detuvo. gacho slouched, turned down, stooped Es un hombre de gran capacidad para los negocios. ° ocho días a week Es un muchacho muy alocado. It contracts with the cold. ° a todo all out, to the limit "Who knows?". He got married three days ago. Tiene un gusto exquisito para vestir. — Her indifference annoys me. Se enfrentaban con una competición formidable. ° darse tono to put on airs Pude desmentirle en todo lo que decía. garbo grace Estaba incómodo en aquella postura. He likes to talk. los deportes? ▲ corps Era raro que recibiera carta. He's very fond of walking. victoria victory, triumph. I believe that the decision is just. Compraré un chaleco de punto. The most important thing is to measure the thickness of your door and the gap between the door and the top of your bath. sainete [m] one-act farce; farce What are you referring to when you say that? El guardabarros quedó todo abollado. servir [rad-ch III] to serve, wait on Esas habitaciones son interiores. El traje estaba adornado con encajes. ° merienda en el campo picnic. ° sin duda certainly, without doubt We'll go a week from today. Che cosa è sweep? — No es para tanto el asunto. entreabrir to open halfway, open part way. diplomático diplomatic This fish has a lot of bones. ° licenciarse to get a master's degree. En resumidas cuentas, no quiso venir. No veo medio de solucionar esto. They're afraid a revolt'll break out. He bent over to tie his shoe. They worked side by side. Es un chico muy despierto. cuenta account ¡Qué gracia! They made a general inspection. ° agua gorda hard water [Sp]. What is the length of this piece of cloth? ▲ people When you're ready, we'll begin. ° dormirse to fall asleep He gave her a diamond ring. bolo drunkard [Am]. ¡Cuidado con esa vuelta! ▲ to fall, drop Le dieron calabazas en geometría. distracción [f] absent-mindedness It's far from here. He began to clear the ground. fortuna fortune He went to the country to recover his health. In fact, he doesn't know anything. El periódico publica los hechos más importantes. contorno neighborhood forzado ▲ public lecture ¡En efecto, no sabe nada! El plato se me escurrió de las manos. ° desnudarse to take off one's clothes, get undressed Your objections aren't reasonable. We'll close the window to keep the dust out. ▲ collar ° a todas luces any way you look at it lumbre [f] fire (in stove, fireplace) Es un muchacho muy aventajado. ° visto bueno (abbr V.B.) Le pusieron la herradura al caballo. ▲ often He is the oldest of the three. ▲ to be promoted I'm certain he's coming. Su amigo es muy sencillo. Apenas podía tenerse en pie. What does this word mean? They hired him for one year. el dinero consigo. Ponga Ud. My wish is to please you. obligación [f] duty ¿Tiene Ud. They all applauded his success. She arranged a party. El piano no cabe por esa puerta. ° con calma slowly, taking one's time ¿Puede darme un jabón y una toalla? ▲ guy (derogatory), character He hesitated before he answered me. He comes every other day. She likes to attract attention. seco dry I don't like your behavior. Partida de nacimiento. I'll wait for you in the hotel tomorrow. Let's drink a few glasses of beer. ▲ top (plaything). despojar to strip (of property), despoil ▲ sock [Am] molesto? What do you want for an entree? That's a separate question. Se vio en un aprieto. The room was a complete mess. Lay aside these suits so they can send them to me. He did it right away. Continued from page one. No tiene compasión de nadie. What's the total amount? ° ¿para qué? Tenemos que aligerar la carga. avanzar to move forward The party began exactly on the hour. Necesito una caja de clavos. Tenemos que deshacer lo hecho. Su español progresa mucho. Me gustan las carreras de caballos. Prenda esto con un alfiler. It's an unforgettable impression. We'll pay the difference.