Luiss Home page; Luiss Library Page; LuissThesis. Le problematiche riscontrate nella traduzione del termine fair value. SECONDA RATA: € 3.000 entro il 31 marzo 2020. Villa Blanc LUISS Business School AdVenture Program is a “virtual” layer added to all the degree programs, and designed to provide LUISS Master candidates with skills and knowledge required to create and manage new ventures. Carducci, Federico (A.A. 2006/2007) La business combination e l'allocazione del costo dell'aggregazione. Luiss offers students the opportunity to earn double degrees at our partner universities around the world. Length. Data d'inizio. LUISS. #Luiss.MasterClasses - Intersections. [Master… 72. You may unsubscribe at any time. Costi standard in sanità. Il caso Nestlè italiana S.p.a. Storia e organizzazione del gruppo. De Vita, Marco (A.A. 2017/2018) L'impatto del rischio Paese sul costo del capitale proprio. Master in International Public Affairs Master Universitario di Secondo Livello. Assistant Professor at Luiss Guido Carli, Department of Business and Management, 2012 Research Fellow at Luiss University in "Corporate Social Responsibility: the impact on strategy and financial performance, 2009 Students will benefit from regular interactions with renowned global personalities through a set of parallel activities: *10% early bird discount if you apply by 31 January 2021, Requirements: four- or five-year degree Starting date: October 2021, 12 months – 60 ECTSAttendance:WeekdaysThe students have the possibility to choose whether to follow online all or part of the lessons held in class. Costi . The big picture; The Protagonist; The Program; The Future; Admissions, Fees and Funding; More info ; Apply ; The Master in Finance Admission Process The IE Admissions Department works full-time to ensure that dynamic and … Master - Luiss Business School - Scienze Economiche Costo: > 15.000 € Introduzione Master e corsi postlaurea in scienze economiche sono rivolti a laureati triennali o magistrali e giovani professionisti con passione per economia, numeri, matematica, macroeconomia, statistica e interessati a una carriera in ambito bancario , finanziario , assicurativo, fiscale . Students will be also involved in practical laboratories (Policy labs) that will allow them to adquire technical skills, developing projects with real partners to find policy solutions in the public interest. The Luiss University Full-time MBA connects you with your future, whether your ambition lies in starting a business or bringing change to a large organisation, transforming your world, or starting a global revolution. Dal costo storico al fair value”. Struttura del bilancio d’esercizio. Università LUISS di Roma: il sistema di contribuzione unico. Master's Degree Program in Business Accounting (LM-77) Luiss Main Page Biblioteca Luiss Guido Carli. La quota di partecipazione all’Executive MBA è pari a € 30.000 da corrispondere in tre rate. The Luiss School of European Political Economy began offering a Master in European Economic Governance (MEEG) in September 2014 with the aim to provide economists and other social scientists with in-depth knowledge of European institutions. The Master of Science in Economics (MOSEC), a one-year specialization program held entirely in English provides rigorous training in economics. Master of Management in Food & Beverage. It focuses specifically on quantitative finance and risk management and covers a broad spectrum of technical financial applications. Next Admission Test . 136. Per maggiori informazioni sui contenuti e la struttura del master è possibile contattare: Luiss School of Government. Master Five Stars Hotel Management . Master di Secondo Livello. Start date 19 Jan 2021. 204. 121. Tuition fees for the Masters in Management 2020 intake are £33,600 (fees for the 2021 intake TBC) There will be an additional payment of £7,500 for students electing to do the fourth term. Requisiti di accesso Laurea magistrale, magistrale a ciclo unico, vecchio ordinamento. La quota comprende il materiale didattico e l’accesso alle strutture della Luiss Business School. Italiano; Key Facts. The MBA in Business Administration is a Degree Programme and provides students with 60 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. La revisione del fair value nella relazione sulla gestione. The Programme is designed for young professionals with at least 3 years of work experience, middle-managers and C-level who want to gain valuable tools to grow new business ideas, understand social issues and develop the ability to create change. The Master in International Management (MIM) is a unique program aimed at young graduates motivated to become global managers. Scholarships. Master - Luiss Business School - Scienze Economiche Costo: > 15.000 € Introduzione Master e corsi postlaurea in scienze economiche sono rivolti a laureati triennali o magistrali e giovani professionisti con passione per economia, numeri, matematica, macroeconomia, statistica e interessati a una carriera in ambito bancario , finanziario , assicurativo, fiscale . Entra in LUISS e scopri i corsi di Laurea, i Master e tutti i servizi per gli studenti ... Luiss and its ENGAGE.EU partners launch a new virtual mobility program. Download Brochure. Key Facts. Call for applications; Application Luiss Guido Carli, Rome - Italy Deadline for enrolment: 15 March 2021. Link copiato negli appunti! 238. Tesi di Laurea in Diritto commerciale (corso progredito), LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Alessio Di Amato, pp. The program, held on a full-time basis from January to December and completely taught in English, is designed to equip students with skills and … Luiss participates in ENGAGE.EU. Carducci, Federico (A.A. 2006/2007) La business combination e l'allocazione del costo dell'aggregazione. The next dates to participate in the admission tests are December 1, 9, 17. MAFED. (+39) 06 85 222 320 Il “principio della valutazione al costo”: prime considerazioni sulla “razionalità” e sui “limiti” del criterio estimativo ispirato a questo “principio contabile”. 174. Researcher at CeRIIS Luiss Business School gen 2014 - dic 2017 4 anni. Bozzi, Valentina (A.A. 2016/2017) La stima del costo del capitale nei gruppi multinazionali. Costi - About SOG - School of Government Luiss Guido Carli. Scadenza iscrizioni 12 gennaio 2021. The one-year full time programme is a multi-disciplinary course giving an overview of all the aspects and processes involved in the Public Policy process (Economy, Governance, Politics, Social sciences etc.). Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. 2010-2012 Professor of Business Economics, Master for Corporate Lawyer at LUISS Business School of Rome. SHARE. Tel: 06 85225052/65. Master's Degree Program in Economics and Business Management (LM-77) Luiss Main Page Biblioteca Luiss Guido Carli . I am currently attending the Pre Master Year at ESCP Business School, with an expected graduation in 2023. 12 months. Tesi di Laurea in Economia delle aziende di credito, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Matteo Arpe, pp. Postgraduate study is a big investment in your future. (+39) 06 85 225 574 Luiss first in its class in CENSIS University classification . Learn more about the one business school exam that elevates you from the rest of the pack. Total duration 13 Months. End date 23 Feb 2022. Costo € 7.000. It combines theory with practice, bridges academia and industry and integrates hard and soft skills. Total duration One year. [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. Mandolesi, Francesca (A.A. 2008/2009) Costo storico e fair value. Luiss Home page; Luiss Library Page; LuissThesis. Home Page; PROGRAM STRUCTURE 2020/2021; COURSES; CALENDAR. Seleziona il tipo di corso di tuo interesse e scopri tutte le informazioni sui programmi offerti da Luiss. The next dates to participate in the admission tests are December 1, 9, 17. Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale e di progetto, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Raffaele Oriani, pp. Il costo del trasporto internazionale. The next dates to participate in the admission tests are January  7 and 21. Luiss Business School - Hotel Business School. Login; La ricapitalizzazione delle banche secondo Admati ed Hellwig Midulla, Marco (A.A. 2013/2014) La ricapitalizzazione delle banche secondo Admati ed Hellwig. Luiss Home page ; Luiss Library Page; LuissThesis. Early bird 10% entro il 30 novembre 2020. Call for applications; Application The MBA – Master in Business Administration is a Degree Programme and provides students with 60 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. Brochure. The MBA – Master in Business Administration is a Degree Programme and provides students with 60 ECTS – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. [Master's Degree Thesis] Providing a strong knowledge of the theoretical and methodological framework regarding Democracy and Global Governance; Offering a strong knowledge of the public policy process, from development to implementation and evaluation; Adquire the ability to manage and analyze public policies; Developing advanced skills in negotiation within international organizations; Fostering the drafting skills (reviews, papers); Adquiring awareness of the cultural, psychological and social aspects related to the policy making process. 125. Grimaldi, Maria (A.A. 2014/2015) Il downside risk beta nella valutazione del costo del capitale proprio. To participate you have to send the required documentation via e-mail to, no later than the day before the test date. The course is fully taught in English and has an international student body and faculty. LUISS SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT. Per informazioni. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of Cookie Policy. Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. Master LUISS 2018/2019: tutto quello che dovete sapere. Master in Finance - Admissions, Fees and Funding Gain a practical professional profile to navigate today's dynamic financial landscape. You can be admitted to the MCF-MSGF by the end of February 2022, according to the evaluation of your class. Luiss campuses close for the holidays. Tous les événements. Per informazioni. Concetto di costo standard. Language ENGLISH. If you are interested in obtaining the Master of Science in Global Finance from Fordham University via a collaborative agreement between SDA Bocconi and Fordham University, you have to take the GMAT or GRE (the request to take the SDA test will not be accepted). The program, held on a full-time basis from January to December and completely taught in English, is designed to equip students with skills and … Next Admission Test . #Luiss.MasterClasses - Intersections. [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. Activity based costing e activity based management. Home › Graduate programs › Master in Turismo e Territorio: economia, marketing, eco-sostenibilità › Brochure. Italiano ; Key Facts. Luiss Guido Carli, Viale Romania 32, Roma. Tuition fee: 8.500 € *10% early bird discount if you apply by 31 January 2021. 2010 – Professor of Accounting, Master in Real Estate Finance (MAREF) at LUISS -Guido Carli of Rome. Informativa del fair value disclosure … Courses will provide an understanding of  the main opportunities and threats (security  policies, multiculturalism, international crisis etc.) Via Nomentana, 216 De Vita, Marco (A.A. 2017/2018) L'impatto del rischio Paese sul costo del capitale proprio. LUISS Business School est une école de commerce de haut niveau dans la ville du patrimoine mondial de Rome (Italie), où la beauté, l'histoire et la culture offrent un environnement exceptionnel. Download Brochure. 125. Language ENGLISH. [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. End date 28 Feb 2022. 109. Il costo storico. Nazzaro, Giuseppe (A.A. 2014/2015) Analisi comparativa dell’equity e del costo del debito delle public utilities. Rapporto tra leverage e costo del capitale. The award is available to Luiss Guido Carli bachelor’s or single-cycle master’s degree students who defended a thesis in administrative law in one of the three 2017 degree sessions and earned a final grade of 110/110 with honors. related to a wide range of global policies. If you are interested in obtaining the Master of Science in Global Finance from Fordham University via a collaborative agreement between SDA Bocconi and Fordham University, you have to take the GMAT or GRE (the request to take the SDA test will not be accepted). Giorni di lezione giovedì 14:00-19:30 venerdì 9:30 -19:30 Sabato 9:30-13:00. The MBA programme represents the unique opportunity to develop fine-tuned skills and adopt a creative approach to business practices, in order to push back the traditional boundaries of doing business. 12 mesi - 60 CFU. Master's Degree Program in Economics and Finance (LM-56) Luiss Main Page Biblioteca Luiss Guido Carli. Luiss offers a unique opportunity for students who want in-depth knowledge of the field of economics. Master in Tourism Management. Costo € 6.500. Italiano; Key Facts. Se non è il Master più adatto alle vostre esigenze di laureati in giurisprudenza, basterà collegarsi al sito e consultare tutte le opportunità offerte dalla Luiss. The Full-time Master’s Degree Programme in Business Administration is an intensive programme that enables participants to develop a business strategy that includes creativity, international orientation, ethics and social responsibility, and to face the new challenges of worldwide leaders. Major in International Management . [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. Career Services. Corsi e Master. Admissions, Fees and Funding. Tesi di Laurea in Economia delle aziende di credito, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Matteo Arpe, pp. To participate you have to send the required documentation via e-mail to, no later than the day before the test date. The Master of Quantitative Finance and Risk Management is a Specialized Master program taught entirely in English. The award is available to Luiss Guido Carli bachelor’s or single-cycle master’s degree students who defended a thesis in administrative law in one of the three 2017 degree sessions and earned a final grade of 110/110 with honors. Scadenza iscrizioni 12 gennaio 2021. LUISS MBA . Apply Now 15/12/2020 Élections El Mouhoub Mouhoud, élu nouveau président de Dauphine - PSL. (+39) 06 85222367 – 2320. Contacts: Its unique focus qualifies its graduates for a range of jobs in public ad… Master in Fashion, Experience & Design Management . Villa Blanc Via Nomentana, 216 00162 Rome, Italy (+39) 06 85 222 320 (+39) 06 85 225 574 (+39) 06 85 222 367 La quota di iscrizione è di € 6.500 pagabili in due rate: PRIMA RATA: € 3.500 contestuale all’iscrizione; tale quota è rimborsabile in caso di mancata attivazione del Master; SECONDA RATA: € 3.000 entro il 31 marzo 2020. Luiss participates in ENGAGE.EU. © LUISS Business School Villa Blanc,Via Nomentana, 216 00162 Roma, Italia - Centralino T 06 852251 - P.IVA 01067231009, The next dates to participate in the admission tests are, To participate you have to send the required documentation via e-mail to. 84. Master in Finance - Admissions, Fees and Funding Gain a practical professional profile to navigate today's dynamic financial landscape. Fax: 06 85225056 . Finance requires a rigorous math oriented and flexible mind. LUISS SCHOOL OF GOVERNMENT. Giorni di lezione Master in Big Data Management. 1st Semester 2020/2021; 1st Semester Exams 2020/2021; 2nd Semester 2020/2021; 2nd Semester Exams 2020/2021; Autumn Exams 2020/2021; ADMISSION 2020/2021; FACULTY ; CAREER OPPORTUNITIES; TUITION FEES AND FINANCIAL AID; Placement; LIVING … Master Luiss in Gestione delle Risorse Umane Master Universitario di Primo Livello. "Il fair value”. [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. Didattica: Le lezioni, di norma, si terranno da gennaio a luglio. [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. Luiss Guido Carli via Parenzo, 11 – 00198 Roma. [Master's Degree Thesis] Per chi ha da poco concluso il percorso universitario e vuole continuare a specializzarsi, oggi abbiamo pensato di dare tutte le informazioni necessarie sui master organizzati dalla LUISS per l’anno 2018/2019. The Luiss University MBA is your platform for new business thinking. Luiss Guido Carli, Rome - Italy Deadline for enrolment: 15 March 2021. Durata 12 mesi- 60 CFU. Do you consent to the processing of your personal information for promotional purposes, relevant news and information about programmes at LUISS Business School? The Luiss University MBA is your platform for new business thinking. Via Salvini 2- 00197 Roma. MBA full time (TOP 200) Italy: 25 . For further information please contact or call MFB. Se vuoi saperne di più o negare il consenso a tutti o solo ad alcuni cookie, leggi la cookie policy. The Master in International Management (MIM) is a unique program aimed at The GMAT exam helps you stand out during the admissions process. Master di Secondo Livello. Master of International Healthcare Management, Economics and Policy. Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. Luiss Home page; Luiss Library Page; LuissThesis. gennaio 2021. Double degrees program. The Programme is open to students from around the world who wish to achieve a crucial managerial specialisation developing skills, competencies and a high self-awareness to succeed in the global economy. Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. Entra in LUISS e scopri i corsi di Laurea, i Master e tutti i servizi per gli studenti ... Luiss and its ENGAGE.EU partners launch a new virtual mobility program. Frequenza Settimanale. Full-time. Il principio fondamentale: l'attività. Bozzi, Valentina (A.A. 2016/2017) La stima del costo del capitale nei gruppi multinazionali. [Master's … Big Data Management (TOP 100) Italy: 24 . Luiss among the world's 50 most sustainable universities . Luiss campuses close for the holidays. Data d'inizio. Durata. (+39) 06 85 222 367 Alvisini, Francesco Severo (A.A. 2018/2019) Analisi del costo del capitale e degli indicatori di impairment nell'industria farmaceutica. Luiss Home page; Luiss Library Page; LuissThesis. Elaborazione costi standard sanitari. Master's Degree Program in Economics and Business Management (84/S) Luiss Main Page Biblioteca Luiss Guido Carli. Tourism management (TOP 50) Italy: 19 . Luiss Home page; Luiss Library Page; LuissThesis. LUISS Business School. Grimaldi, Maria (A.A. 2014/2015) Il downside risk beta nella valutazione del costo del capitale proprio. Actualités Élections / Vie étudiante / Recherche Élections des nouveaux vice-présidents . The Bocconi Master in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility (MaGER) is a unique opportunity for students interested in building a professional career in a multi-disciplinary topic characterized by growing momentum. Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali, The PMI Registered Education Provider logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Language ENGLISH. 84. Admissions, Fees and Funding. School of Government Via di Villa Emiliani, 14 00197 Roma T 06 85225052/5065 238. fine gennaio 2021. Via di Villa Emiliani, 14- 00197 Roma. The Master in Management’s program consists of core courses that advance students’ knowledge in the functional areas of management and elective courses that offer specialized knowledge and real-life examples in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, International Management, and Luxury, Fashion and Made in Italy. Le Conversazioni: Nuove fonti di influenza Gianandrea Facchini monitoraggio business intelligence resources communication SMS Twitter Facebook purchase influ… Curriculum. Summer School per studenti scuole superiori. Location:Luiss Guido Carli, Rome - ItalyDeadline for enrolment: © 2021 Luiss Guido Carli - Viale Pola 12, 00198 Roma, Italia - Centralino T 06 852251 - P.IVA 01067231009. 00162 Rome, Italy The Luiss University Full-time MBA connects you with your future, whether your ambition lies in starting a business or bringing change to a large organisation, transforming your world, or starting a global revolution. During my Bachelor Degree at Luiss Guido Carli, I had the opportunity to spend six months in Bangkok, at Chulalongkorn University, as an exchange student. . Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, Luiss Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. Master in International Public Affairs Master Universitario di Secondo Livello. Tesi di Laurea in Operazioni di finanza straordinaria, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Alessandro Pansa, pp. Apply Now Apply Now [Master's … To participate you have to send the required documentation via e-mail to, no later than the day before the test date. Master's Degree Program in Economics and Business Management (LM-77) Luiss Main Page Biblioteca Luiss Guido Carli. Un’applicazione pratica: la stima del WACC di STMicroelectronics e delle sue divisioni. [Master's Degree Thesis] Full text for this thesis not available from the repository. Home › Graduate programs › Master in Management e Politiche delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni › Brochure. Venez découvrir l'ensemble de l'offre des Masters de Dauphine - PSL et échanger avec des étudiants et enseignants dauphinois. 2010-2011 – Lecturer of Financial Accounting – DDIM Course (Luiss-Bocconi-Fudan), Fudan University, Shanghai, PRC . Format. Tesi di Laurea in Principi contabili internazionali, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Fabrizio Di Lazzaro, pp. Tesi di Laurea in Finanza aziendale avanzato, LUISS Guido Carli, relatore Marco Vulpiani, pp. Il costo del trasporto internazionale. Located in the heart of Rome, Luiss specializes in Social Sciences to educate over 9,000 students from around the world. Contacts: 136. Master's Degree Program in Economics and Business Management (LM-77) Luiss Main Page Biblioteca Luiss Guido Carli . Cristiano, Francesco (A.A. 2015/2016) Strutture azionarie, corporate governance e costo del capitale: relazioni teoriche ed evidenze empiriche. Programs. Apply online Students will explore the intersections of state, economy, and civil society while focusing on the growing importance of private institutions and models of multi-stakeholder governance. You can be admitted to the MCF-MSGF by the end of February 2022, according to the evaluation of your class. La classificazione di costo ai fini decisionali. L'école est située dans l'une des parties les plus remarquables, historiques et artistiques de Rome et ses bâtiments reflètent l'atmosphère et la beauté de la ville. Tuition fee: 8.500 € *10% early bird discount if you apply by 31 January 2021. Start date 7 Jan 2021. A new LLM Program between Luiss and Queen Mary University. Our Scholars Community represents some of LBS’s brightest talent. The program concentrates on the manner in which key institutions function, on related microeconomic and macroeconomic policies, and on the regulatory aspects of the EU and the EMU. [Master… LUISS Business School. Start. Total duration 12 … Since its founding, Luiss has developed privileged partnerships with the business community – through its relationship with Confindustria, the largest Italian industry association – as well as with the legal practice, governmental institutions, and civil society. Luiss Business School. Referente Career Support Programme Federica Raso Journée des Masters 2021 - Édition 100% virtuelle. The Bocconi Master in Green Management, Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility (MaGER) is a unique opportunity for students interested in building a professional career in a multi-disciplinary topic characterized by growing momentum. Brochure. Home › Graduate programs › Master in Amministrazione e Governo del Territorio › Costi. School of Government Via di Villa Emiliani, 14 00197 Roma T 06 85225052/5065 Il costo di questo corso è di 10 mila euro più il 22% di IVA mentre la durata è di 12 mesi, con frequenza obbligatoria. Data Inizio 28 Gennaio 2021 Durata 12 mesi- 60 CFU. La quota di iscrizione è di € 6.500 pagabili in due rate: PRIMA RATA: € 3.500 contestuale all’iscrizione; tale quota è rimborsabile in caso di mancata attivazione del Master. Post Lauream Master of Science in Finance. The aim is to train professionals able to contribute to develop innovative solutions to the complex challenges affecting Governments, Ngo, Institutions. LUISS Business School. Hospitality Management (TOP 50) Italy: 16 . Select the type of program you are looking for and learn all about Luiss course offerings. Requisiti Laurea triennale, magistrale o vecchio ordinamento. Tarquini, Paolo Alessio (A.A. 2007/2008) Il calcolo del WACC per un’impresa multi business. Il calcolo del costo del capitale dell’impresa. Il costo del capitale dell’impresa: teoria ed evidenze empiriche. IRCCS casa sollievo della sofferenza. The big picture; The Protagonist; The Program; The Future; Admissions, Fees and Funding; More info ; Apply ; The Master in Finance Admission Process The IE Admissions Department works full-time to ensure that dynamic and …