Reflection on Matthew 19:16-22 ~ I will never forget a Mass when without any disruption, an intellectually disabled young man walked the length of the aisle so he could touch a newly baptized baby. Mt 19 16-22. Das Matthäusevangelium steht am Anfang der vier Evangelien. Traditionell gilt der Apostel Matthäus als Verfasser. Jeden Tag. What if you made a profit while doing this? Darauf fragte er ihn: Welche? There is One alone who is good!” Then He responds to the question and says, “If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.” The rich young man reacts and asks, “Which commandments?” Jesus very kindly enumerates the commandments which the young man already knew: “You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; honor father and mother; love your neighbor as yourself.” Jesus’ response is very significant. 2 Er antwortete ihnen: Wenn es Abend wird, sagt ihr: Es kommt schönes Wetter; denn der Himmel ist feuerrot. This different way of accepting the poor and of living with them is a sign of the Kingdom of God. Mit dem Motto: Alles erneuern in Christus – bemüht er sich um Reformen. Psalm 72:1–2, 7–8, 10–11, 12–13 Give the king your justice, O God, ... patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (see Gal 5:22). Evangelio del día – Lectio Divina Juan 1, 1-5.9-14. Is this possible? Lectio Divina: Matthew 16:13-23 "Lectio divina is an authentic source of Christian spirituality recommended by our Rule. He Himself lives poorly. Mt 19,16-22. A poor person does not have this concern. Mark says that Jesus looked at the young man with love (Mk 10:21). Jesus responds abruptly, “Why do you ask Me about what is good? „Da nahm ihn Petrus beiseite und machte ihm Vorwürfe; er sagte: ‚Das soll Gott verhüten, Herr! Luke 2:36-40 Reflection – Worship and Praise God. Aus dem Matthäusevangelium Mt 19,16-22. We therefore practice it every day, so that we may develop a deep and genuine love for it, and so that we may grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. Lectio Ascensione 2020 (Mt 28,16-20) visualizza scarica. Erforderliche Felder sind mit * markiert. In Mark, the question of the young man is different: “Good Master what must I do to inherit eternal life?” Jesus answers, “Why do you call Me good? The young man responds, “I have always observed all these things. Mt 21 33-43. In other words, the young man observed the commandments without knowing for what purpose. Mt 21 33-43.45-46. 20.08.2018. The young man wanted to know the way which leads to eternal life. Lectio divina sul Vangelo dell'Ascensione del Signore, anno A (Mt 28,16-20) ascensione. Jesus said to him, "If you wish to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Le ctio Divina is one of the best methods for reading Sacred Scripture; one of the most important things a Christian can do to improve their spiritual health. We therefore practice it every day, so that we may develop a deep and genuine love for it, and so that we may grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. He answered him, "Why do you ask me about the good? Lectio Divina. Se vuoi entrare nella vita, osserva i comandamenti». Jesus indicates to him the way of poverty. Piedra de apoyo y piedra de escándalo. Sie forderten von ihm, ihnen ein Zeichen vom Himmel zu zeigen. Besinnung. 17 Egli rispose: «Perché mi interroghi su ciò che è buono? Sendung: Evangelium. Default. 22 Als der junge Mann das hörte, ging er traurig weg; denn er hatte ein großes Vermögen. 45. Mt 23 23-26. Jesus recognizes the richness and the values which the poor possess (Mt 11: 25-26; Lk 21:1-4). In jener Zeit kam ein Mann zu Jesus und fragte: Meister, was muss ich Gutes tun, um das ewige Leben zu gewinnen? Daily Gospel Lectio Divina Reflection. Jn 19,25-27 Mt 23 13-22. The communities of the Pharisees lived separated from the impure people. We therefore practice it every day, so that we may develop a deep and genuine love for it, and so that we may grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. Artículos Relacionados. In jener Zeit kam ein Mann zu Jesus und fragte: Meister, was muss ich Gutes tun, um das ewige Leben zu gewinnen? Hoje celebramos o dia de Santo Agostinho. If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments." Wenn du aber das Leben erlangen willst, halte die Gebote, sagte Jesus. I continue to thank God for those involved in … “I was born a Catholic, and this is why I am Catholic!” It is as if it was a custom! Jesus antwortete: Du sollst nicht töten, du sollst nicht die Ehe brechen, du sollst nicht stehlen, du sollst nicht falsch aussagen; ehre Vater und Mutter! The word “Pharisee” meant “separated.” This was the attitude concerning the poor and the excluded. Muy buenos días para todos CRISTONAUTAS les comparto la Lectio del día de hoy. The Gospel stands out to me in today’s readings. Now, the way of eternal life was and continues to be this: to do God’s will, expressed in the commandments. And Jesus replied, "You shall not kill; you shall not commit adultery; you shall not steal; you shall not bear false witness; honor your father and your mother; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself." He has difficulty opening the hand of his security. Und: Du sollst deinen Nächsten lieben wie dich selbst! God our Father, P. Ottavio de Bertolis SJ Lectio, Chiesa del Gesù (Chiesa del Santissimo Nome di Gesù all'Argentina) In the 12th century, a Carthusian monk called Guigo, described the stages which he saw as essential to the practice of Lectio Divina. Meditazione Pasquale 2004 Morte per la vita (dott.ssa Spinoglio) Meditazione Pasquale 2004 Lc 23,32-49. Predigt über Matthäus 19, 16-22. am 6.12.2009 2. 1903 wurde er zum Papst gewählt. Live Worship from People of Hope You can financially support People's of Hope's ministry in three ways. Mt 24 37-44. • Continuing the kitchen question, if you also purchased the food and gave it away, this is obviously a certain good. When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions. (Mk 10:21). • Can a person who lives concerned about his wealth or with acquiring the goods which the propaganda of consumerism offers free himself from all this in order to follow Jesus and live in peace in a Christian community? Lectio Hovedmenu Elever; Dagsændringer; Ugeændringer; Månedskalender; Elev; Lærer; Klasse; Lokale; Ressource Er sei mit euch. Matthäus 19 Lutherbibel 2017 Von Ehe, Ehescheidung, Ehelosigkeit 1 Und es begab sich, als Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte, machte er sich auf aus Galiläa und kam in das Gebiet von Judäa jenseits des Jordans; 2 und eine große Menge folgte ihm, und er heilte sie dort. Name * E-Mail * Website. (Mt 6:24). Das darf nicht mit dir geschehen!’” (Mt 16, 22) „Mein Jesus und mein Leben, mir scheint, dass das vollständige Opfer nötig ist, um Deinen Willen zu tun und in Ihm zu 108 leben. The young man had asked what to do to obtain eternal life. • The Gospel today speaks to us about a young man who asks Jesus which is the way to eternal life. Le ctio Divina is one of the best methods for reading Sacred Scripture; one of the most important things a Christian can do to improve their spiritual health. Mt 22 15-21. Mt 24 42. Mt 2 1-12. Gebet. A rich person is protected by the security of the riches which he possesses. If you didn’t have this kitchen, you couldn’t do this. "Lectio Divina", a Latin term, means "divine reading" and describes a way of reading the Scriptures whereby we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us. The young man did not accept Jesus’ proposal and goes away “because he was very rich.” Frequent reading of Scripture will allow a person to begin genuinely knowing God.As well as guiding a person to make the changes God is inspiring them to undertake to improve their lives. He orders His followers to choose the poor, as He proposed it to the rich young man! An Even Better Marriage. • Matthew 19:20: What is the use of observing the commandments? Lectio Divina por Juan Camilo Caro Pinto de Colombia. It is like for many Catholics who do not know why they are Catholics. Mt 23 13-22. Sendung: Evangelium. Er antwortete: Was fragst du mich nach dem Guten? In grassy meadows He lets me lie down. Active. Amen. Der junge Mann erwiderte ihm: Alle diese Gebote habe ich befolgt. Mt 20 1-16. Jesus antwortete ihm: Wenn du vollkommen sein willst, geh, verkauf deinen Besitz und gib das Geld den Armen; so wirst du einen bleibenden Schatz im Himmel haben; dann komm und folge mir nach. At what point(s) does the picture change? He defines His mission in this way: “To announce the good news to the poor” (Lk 4:18). (© Ständige Kommission für die Herausgabe der gemeinsamen liturgischen Bücher im deutschen Sprachgebiet). We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, Orientierung. But there are some poor people who have the mentality of the rich. Mt 21 33-43.45. So, for this reason, there were various movements which, like Jesus, tried to build up life in communities: Essenes, Pharisees and, later on, the Zealots. Miércoles de la III Semana de Cuaresma “Yo no he venido a abolir, sino a dar cumplimiento” Evangelio según Mateo 5, 17-19. He asked him, "Which ones?" Magnificat - Das Stundenbuch. Download. RECOMMENDED Lectio Divina Readings for 2020. An invitation to make the Online Retreat. nome file: (24 kb); inserito il 21/05/2020; 723 visualizzazioni. - Give via text. But, if we are honest, we all have some things we would be very slow to let go of. Gebet. Mt 21 23-27. Deuteronomy 32:18-19, 20, 21 Matthew 19:16-22. as befits His name. Twenty- Fourth Week in Ordinary Time Twenty- Fifth Week in Ordinary Time Twenty- Sixth Week in Ordinary Time Twenty- Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Twenty- Eighth Week in Ordinary Time Twenty- … Mit seinem "Stammbaum" zu Beginn schlägt es die Brücke vom Alten zum Neuen Testament. The young man said to him, "All of these I have observed. We therefore practice it every day, so that we may develop a deep and genuine love for it, and so that we may grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. Fragebogen: Matthäus 19,16 – 30 → Schreibe einen Kommentar Antworten abbrechen. Uno solo è buono. In jener Zeit kam ein Mann zu Jesus und fragte: Meister, was muss ich Gutes tun, um das ewige Leben zu gewinnen? 37:09. Mt 19,16-22 / Aus dem Matthäusevangelium. It is not worth deceiving oneself. Lectio Divina January 2021 EN PDF; Lectio Divina January 2021 EN Mobi; Lectio Divina January 2021 EN ePub; ESPAÑOL. Some Pharisees considered the people ignorant and damned (Jn 7:49) in sin (Jn 9:34). 16 Ed ecco un tale gli si avvicinò e gli disse: «Maestro, che cosa devo fare di buono per ottenere la vita eterna?». Do you know anybody who has actually done this for the Kingdom? l'autore è don Maurizio Mariani, contatta l'autore. Carmel, may your faith be strengthened. Matthew 19:16-22. No one is good, but God alone.” (Mk 10:17-18). 1:10 Min. It was electrifying when the baby's parents gracefully reached out to him. Predigt über Matthäus 19,16-26 zum Sonntag Septuagesim ... (Matth. May the Word of God in the Lectio Divina guide your thoughts and actions in this time of need. Publiziert am 19.8.2017 von Peter Prochac. Liebe Kinder, liebe Schwestern und Brüder, liebe Gemeinde! A two-fold slavery marked the situation of the people at the time of Jesus: the slavery of the politics of Herod, supported by the Roman Empire and maintained by a whole system which was well organized for exploitation and repression, and the slavery of the official religion, maintained by the religious authority of the time. Mt 19 27-29. Besinnung. Some thoughts on today's scripture. Willst du aber zum Leben eingehen, so halte d... Read verse in Luther Bible 1912 (German) What do I still lack?" may we love You in all things and above all things What if you only used the kitchen to provide “cooking” for people who brought their own food (offering your time and resource)? Lectio divina úryvku z Prvej knihy Samuelovej pod názvom Od toho dňa pôsobil na Dávida Pánov duch (1 Sam 16, 4-14) z cyklu Boh dáva Ducha bez miery.. Prinášame plný text a audio záznam z Lectio divina, ktoré odznelo v Katedrále sv.Martina 4. novembra 2020. Kommentar. Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer. Wenn du aber das Leben erlangen willst, halte die Gebote! • Let us say you own a kitchen with pots and pans and stove, and its cost was not small. Lectio Divina: Matthew 19:16-22 "Lectio divina is an authentic source of Christian spirituality recommended by our Rule. Currently /5; Per votare devi eseguire l'accesso: puoi farlo cliccando qui. Mt 20 17-28. On the contrary, Jesus and His community lived in the midst of people who were excluded, considered impure; tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes, lepers (Mk 2:16; 1:41; Lk 7:37). Gospel Matthew 2:1–12. Als der junge Mann das hörte, ging er traurig weg; denn er hatte ein großes Vermögen. The observance of the commandments is only the first degree of a stairway that goes beyond, much farther and much higher. Mt 19:16-22 Come Follow Me (Click here for readings) A young man approached Jesus and said, “Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?” “What do you have to do to get to heaven?” Yahweh is my shepherd, I lack nothing. Mt 23 1-12. Mt 24 42-51. He guides me in paths of saving justice There is only One who is good. Mt 19,16-22 . Evangelio del día – Lectio Divina Mateo 2, 13-18. Lectio Hovedmenu Elever; Dagsændringer; Ugeændringer; Månedskalender; Elev; Lærer; Klasse; Lokale; Ressource • Matthew 19:21-22: Jesus’ proposal and the young man’s response. A person approaches Jesus and asks Him, “Master, what good deed should I do to possess eternal life?” Some manuscripts say that it was a young man. Mt 19,16-22 . But in Jesus’ community, there was something new which made it different from the other groups: the attitude concerning the poor and the excluded. Mt 19,3-12 - Auslegung des Evangeliums mit Klaudia Höfig Klaudia Höfig / Internationales Pastorales Zentrum Berlin Mehr zum Thema: Predigt: Matthäus 19,16 – 30. Resume Prayer. Mt 19 23-30. Deine E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht veröffentlicht. They could learn nothing from the people (Jn 9:34). By tranquil streams He leads me to restore my spirit. Aus dem Evangelium nach Matthäus Mt 19,16–22. Mt 21 1-11. With COVID I have been spending a lot more time in Lectio Divina. The young man does not accept Jesus’ proposal because he is very rich. ENGLISH. 19.08.2019. Matthäus 16 Einheitsübersetzung 2016 Die Zeichenforderung der Gegner Jesu 1 Da kamen die Pharisäer und Sadduzäer zu Jesus, um ihn zu versuchen. Jesus turns the attention from Himself toward God, because what is important is to do God’s will, to reveal the project of the Father. Mt 19,16–22 / Aus dem Evangelium nach Matthäus. RECOMMENDED Lectio Divina Readings for 2020. Matthäus 19 Einheitsübersetzung 2016 Aufbruch nach Judäa 1 Und es ... 16 Und siehe, da kam ... verkauf deinen Besitz und gib ihn den Armen; und du wirst einen Schatz im Himmel haben; und komm, folge mir nach! He possesses nothing for Himself, not even a stone to lay His head on (Lk 9:58). According to Jesus, we will be well with God only if we are well with our neighbor. Erweitern Sie das Informationsangebot Ihrer Seite und binden Sie unseren Nachrichten-Ticker auf Ihre Website ein – einfach und kostenlos. Das in Zusammenarbeit mit Magnificat - Das Stundenbuch. These three fundamental elements of the charism are not distinct and unrelated values, but closely interwoven. Die Bergpredigt, die ein Kernstück des Evangeliums bildet, ist der Wegweiser für ein Leben der Gerechtigkeit. Frequent reading of Scripture will allow a person to begin genuinely knowing God.As well as guiding a person to make the changes God is inspiring them to undertake to improve their lives. Jesus asks for very much, but He asks for it with much love. You can: - Give online on our website ( - This offers options for a credit card or fund-transfer giving. 19,13-15 Es ist interessant, dass es hier nur kurz nach der Rede über die Scheidung um Kinder geht (s. a. Mk 10,1-16).Oft sind sie es, die am meisten unter einer Scheidung zu leiden haben. and reach the joy You have prepared for us Lectio Hovedmenu Elever; Dagsændringer; Ugeændringer; Månedskalender; Elev; Lærer; Klasse; Lokale; Ressource Der Heilige Papst Pius X, geboren als Guissepe Sarto, stammte aus Riese in Venetien. Which is the greater good? 2 días ago . Deutscher Frauenbund (KDFB), Diözesanverband Köln, Mt 19,16–22 – Auslegung des Evangeliums mit Rotraut Röver-Barth, Ständige Kommission für die Herausgabe der gemeinsamen liturgischen Bücher im deutschen Sprachgebiet, Forderungen nach Kooperation bei Impfstoff-Kauf in Südafrika, SkF-Geschäftsführerin über die Lage der Wohnungslosen in Köln, Erzbischof Heße ruft Sternsinger zu kontaktloser Aktion auf, Malteser verzeichnen viele Notrufe an Weihnachten und Silvester, Bischof Manzke: Polizisten mehr wertschätzen, Christen bleiben große Mehrheit im US-Kongress, Papstbotschafter in Syrien Kardinal Mario Zenari wird 75, Vor 100 Jahren wurde der Autor Friedrich Dürrenmatt geboren, Religionssoziologe Pollack zu Corona-Verstößen in Freikirchen, "Eine starke Skepsis gegenüber den staatlichen Maßnahmen". Or if you sold your cooked food “at cost”? Maria Königin Mt, 19,23-30 → Hl. Reflection on Matthew 19:16-22 ~ I will never forget a Mass when without any disruption, an intellectually disabled young man walked the length of the aisle so he could touch a newly baptized baby. Einige Eltern brachten ihre Kinder zu Jesus, damit sie von dem Lehrer und Hirten gesegnet würden. Often the desire for riches creates in the poor a great dependence and renders them slaves of consumerism, because they seek riches everywhere. Jesus touched on the one thing that the man was not ready to give up – his money and all that it brought. Mt 22,34-40 18 ottobre - 29ma domenica TO 1Ts 1,15b Mt 22,15-21 11 ottobre - 28ma domenica TO Fil 4,12-20 Mt 22,1-14 4 ottobre - 27ma domenica TO Fil 4,6-9 Mt 21,33-43 27 settembre - 26ma domenica TO Fil 2,1-11 Mt 21,28-32 20 settembre - 25ma domenica TO Fil 1,20-27 Mt 20,1-16 14 settembre - Esaltazione della Santa Croce Matthew 19:16-22 Reflection – Giving up Much. Solemnidad de San Pedro y San Pablo, Ciclo A. Mt 16,13-19: Tú eres Pedro. Lectio Divina: Matthew 11:16-19 "Lectio divina is an authentic source of Christian spirituality recommended by our Rule. 18 Ed egli chiese: «Quali?». What do you think? Mt 19 3-12. Orientierung. The communities of the Pharisees lived separated. Mt 21 28-32. 21.08.2017 - 08:00. Juni 2012 von martin. • Matthew 19:16-19: The commandments and eternal life. Jeden Tag. Evangelio del día – Lectio Divina Mt 23,13-22. 22,37‑39). 5 días ago. Nur einer ist „der Gute“. Er aber sprach zu ihm: Was heißest du mich gut? Lectio Divina: Luke 19:1-10 "Lectio divina is an authentic source of Christian spirituality recommended by our Rule. Mt 19,16-22. Mt 20 20-28. Amen. Then come, follow me." We therefore practice it every day, so that we may develop a deep and genuine love for it, and so that we may grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. Or if you charged only enough for a small salary for your “service” to the community? You use this kitchen to feed your family, or the poor, or some in the community. Fragebogen: Matthäus 19,16 – 30 ... ← Fragebogen: Matthäus 19,1 – 15. "Lectio Divina", a Latin term, means "divine reading" and describes a way of reading the Scriptures whereby we gradually let go of our own agenda and open ourselves to what God wants to say to us. 19.08.2019 - 07:50. Meditazione Pasquale 2008 Un tale Simone di Cirene - Mc 15,2 Order of the brothers of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. And to anyone who wants to follow Him, who wants to live like Him, He orders that that person choose either God or money! Jesus asks more! Ausgewählte Audio- und Video-Inhalte im Abo, Rotraut Röver-Barth / Kath. Through the practice of these virtues, we not only follow the light, but become the light ourselves. beyond all our imagining. 1:10 Min. Through the intercession of Our Lady of Mt. All of these we live under the protection, inspiration and guidance of Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, whom we honor as "our Mother and sister. Advent Familiengottesdienst: Ort: Tüllingen, Ottilienkirche: Die Gnade unseres Herrn Jesus Christus und die Liebe Gottes und die Gemeinschaft des Heiligen Geistes sei mit euch allen. For this reason the clan, the families, the community, were disintegrating and the majority of the people were excluded, marginalized, homeless, without either a religion or a society. Prayer. A young man approached Jesus and said, "Teacher, what good must I do to gain eternal life?" In this way we shall put into practice the Apostle Paul’s commandment, which is mentioned in our Rule: “Let the sword of the spirit, the Word of God, live abundantly in your mouth and in your hearts; and whatever you must do, do it in the name of the Lord.”. Das Evangelium betont, dass Jesus ganz im Dienst der Gerechtigkeit steht. Captcha 54 − 50 = EVENTS Aktuelles. He does not mention the first three commandments which deal with relationship with God. As Carmelites We live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ and to serve Him faithfully with a pure heart and a clear conscience through a commitment to seek the face of the living God (the contemplative dimension of life), through prayer, through fraternity, and through service (diakonia). Niemand ist gut denn der einige Gott. Praying Ordinary Time . The door to reach God is our neighbor. Veröffentlicht am 25. He wanted to live close to God! Mt 22 34-40. In the 12th century, a Carthusian monk called Guigo, described the stages which he saw as essential to the practice of Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina por Padre Lima de Deus de Brasil. Evangelio del día – Lectio Divina Mateo 10, 10-22. Suche. By Jerry August 10, 2020 August 10, 2020. Il testo ed il commento al Vangelo di mercoledì 22 febbraio 2017 - Mt 16, 13-19 - Settima settimana del Tempo Ordinario. Lectio Hovedmenu Elever; Dagsændringer; Ugeændringer; Månedskalender; Elev; Lærer; Klasse; Lokale; Ressource Aktuelle Nachrichten aus Kirche und Welt – von der für Sie ausgewählt und aufbereitet. He proclaims them blessed, because the Kingdom is theirs, of the poor (Lk 6:20; Mt 5:3). Why? Carmel, "Lectio divina is an authentic source of Christian spirituality recommended by our Rule. 4 días ago. November 15. Matthäus 19:16-30 Und siehe, einer trat zu ihm und sprach: Guter Meister, was soll ich Gutes tun, daß ich das ewige Leben möge haben? The observance of the commandments prepares people to be able to reach the point of giving oneself completely to the neighbor. Santa María del Monte Carmelo (16 de julio) Santa María del Monte Carmelo. Beim ersten Anschein scheint das … How does Jesus’ advice to the young man apply to you to sell your pots, pans and kitchen? Solemnidad de San Pedro y San Pablo, Ciclo A. San Mateo 16, 13-2: Jesús dice a Pedro: "Tú eres Piedra". • What does this mean for us today: “Go, sell all you possess and give it to the poor?” Is it possible to do this concretely? one God, for ever and ever. Das Evangelium macht die jüdischen Wurzeln des Christentums sichtbar und begründet die Mission unter allen Völkern. Oração. But Jesus recalls only the commandments which refer to respect for the life close to others! (Ps 23:1-3). Links. Was fehlt mir jetzt noch? • Jesus and the option for the poor. Mt 2 13-18. If he had known it, he would not have asked the question. They no longer have time to dedicate themselves to the service of neighbor. What more do I need to do?” What follows is strange. ", Copyright © 2003 - 2020 THE ORDER OF CARMELITES -, Celebrating At Home Christmas - Nativity of the Lord, Celebrating At Home - Fourth Sunday of Advent, Celebrating At Home - Third Sunday of Advent, As Carmelites We live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ and to serve Him faithfully with a pure heart and a clear conscience through a commitment to seek the face of the living God (the contemplative dimension of life), through prayer, through fraternity, and through service (. Mt 23 27-32. Pius X Papst Mt 19,16-22. Attached to the advantages of his goods, he lives only to defend his own interests. who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, Mt 22 1-14. In the loving Heart of Jesus and Mary. Jesus answers, “If you wish to be perfect, go and sell your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have a treasure in heaven; then come follow Me.” But on hearing these words the young man went away very sad because he was very rich.
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