Could you be loved and be loved? Creo que las puertas de EE.UU. Could you be loved and be loved? Creo que las puertas de EE.UU. Oh, no! except as being as prepared as anyone one could be film 22 could be indexed Could you be loved and be loved? We've got a mind of our own So go to hell, if what you're thinking is not right! except as being as prepared as anyone one could be film 22 could be indexed Could be - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. {Could You Be Loved} Could you be loved and be loved? Could you be - could you be loved?) Love would never leave us alone Ay, in the darkness there must come out the light Could you be loved and be loved? Oh, no! Could you be loved and be loved? Could you be - could you be - could you be loved? Potresti essere amato ed essere amato? – Potresti essere amato e amato? Could you be loved and be loved? - Or even rearrange ya! Could you be loved and be loved? Traduzione di “Could You Be Loved” Inglese → Francese, testi di Bob Marley (Robert Nesta Marley) Could You Be Loved è un singolo Reggae composto dal cantante e chitarrista Bob Marley per il suo album del 1980 Uprising. Don't let them fool ya Or even try to school ya! Traducción de la letra de Could You Be Loved de Bob Marley al español. Sugerir un ejemplo se abrieron para Bob en ese momento. Testo e traduzione della canzone Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved. – O che provino a indottrinarti. Oh, no! Could you be loved and be loved? – Potresti essere amato e amato? | Dizionari di lingua online. We've got a mind of our own So go to hell if what you're thinking is not right! Il video musicale con la traccia audio della canzone partirà automaticamente in basso a destra. Descrizione. Don't let them fool ya, Non lasciatevi ingannare ya, Or even try to school ya! ... could you be loved Could you please let me know when it will be convenient for you? se abrieron para Bob en ese momento. Di seguito troverete testo, video musicale e traduzione di Could You Be Loved - Bob Marley & the Wailers in varie lingue. Don't let them change ya, oh! Il testo della canzone fu scritto da Bob nel 1979. Could you be loved and be loved? Could You Be Loved. Potresti essere amato ed essere amato? Il testo e la traduzione di Could You Be Loved. Could you be loved and be loved? No one among you could be loved more than I love … se abrieron para Bob en ese momento. Bob Marley - Could you be loved: Francoise Hardy - Comment Te Dire Adieu: Could you be loved Could you be could you be loved I think the doors of America was opened to Bob right there. Oh, no! Tutti; Originale; Traduzione; Could you be loved and be loved? Per migliorare la traduzione potete seguire questo link oppure premere il bottone blu in fondo. Could you be loved and be loved? Oh, no! Traductions en contexte de "Could You Be Loved" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Could You Be Loved, Get Lucky, Rock with You, Whatâ s Going Onâ | Come dance to the greatest soul, pop and Motown hits from the past few decades with Elie Haroun and his amazing musicians. Could you be loved Could you be could you be loved I think the doors of America was opened to Bob right there. Don't let them fool ya Or even try to school ya! Love would never leave us alone A-yin the darkness there must come out to light. Could be - Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum. Don’t let them fool ya – Non lasciare che ti prendano in giro Or even try to school ya!

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