L'importo totale dei pagamenti non deve in nessun caso essere superiore al massimale stabilito conformemente all'articolo 64, paragrafo 2, o all'articolo 143 ter quater. Last Update: 2017-02-11 9 Abschnitt II Kraftfahrzeugsteuer des Landes Art. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. So as not to renumber all subsequent articles, the new article inserted after (say) Article 43 is called "Article 43.bis". August 1998, Nr. Schuld“ verzeichnet werden muss. Numbering one equation in aligned environment. Enti per la produzione o distribuzione di acqua, istituiti a norma del code communal, article 147 bis, ter et quater, sur les régies communales. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. quater propr. Automatisch ausgesuchte Beispiele auf Deutsch: „O patria, o divum domus Ilium, et inclyta bello / mœnia Dardanidum!, quater ipso in limine portæ / substitit, atque utero sonitum quater arma dedere. 1. quarter (cut into four): to quarter sth. \freqref is the equivalent numbered reference, similar to using \eqref. 5 bis = 5.2 5 ter = 5.3 5 quater = 5.4. and convert to string and then use replace on extracting data. Val. 964. ter, 964. quater. 964a – 964e » werden zu «Art. to quarter sb HIST. Praktische Beispielsätze. A questo provvedono gli articoli 43 bis, ter e quater e l'articolo 46 bis. Where in the sources does it say that Syagrius claimed to be "merely governing a Roman province"? Argon.. v. 399. vacua nam lapsus ab arbore parvum Te quater ardenti tergô… to quarter sb HIST. 964d . Différents outils pour la constitution de la Base Adresses Nationale Ouverte - osm-fr/bano BIS Quarterly Review for December 2019:Easing trade tensions support risky assets - Markets swing on trade and monetary policy - This Quarterly Review discusses how a renewed risk-on phase and loose financial conditions raised questions about the sustainability of asset valuations. Entities producing or distributing water and set up pursuant to the Code communal, article 147 bis, ter et quater sur les régies communales. How to detect real C64, TheC64, or VICE emulator in software? steht jeweil unter den einzelen Klagepunkten. ., Zahlenworte, Latein kostenlos online lernen Podcast 301: What can you program in just one tweet? Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Financial information. Quality: Ortofrutticoli diversi dai pomodori - articolo 143 ter quater, paragrafo 2 | 4478 | | |. The general section numbering uses a numeric sequence (1, 2, 3, etc.). 964f von Erlass 1 [mit Anpassung der Verweise «Art. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. in order to determine:(a) If the test of appurtenance is satisfied by the coastal State;(b) Which portions of the outer limits of the continental shelf are determined by each of the formulae and constraint lines . 1. quarter (cut into four): to quarter sth. I don't think most French people realize they are Latin! Please note that the suffixes are also in italics. Quality: But they are often used in French house numbers, for example (although as Xuxl says, hardly ever past "ter"). o) LANDESGESETZ vom 11. 964. ter, 964. quater. Reference: Translated.com. - 1 - Beschluss des Ständerates vom 12. ;(b bis) Whether appropriate combinations of foot of the continental slope points and constraint lines have been used;Instructions … to quarter oneself on sb. Can I deny people entry to a political rally I co-organise? Tatoeba.org Satzbespiel 7072676 „Struthiocameli ovum quater et vicies gravius est quam galliae. num. Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is … quater quà | ter agg.inv., lat. 2.3 In the Commission proposal, alignment of Regulation No 485/2008 with Article 290 TFEU is addressed specifically in new Articles 1(2), 13a, 13b and 13c of the proposed regulation. Quality: La nuova sezione consta degli articoli 42 bis, ter e quater. Enti per la produzione o distribuzione di acqua, istituiti a norma del code communal, article 147 bis, ter et quater, sur les régies communales. Usage Frequency: 2 6 sexies; 7 septies; 8 octies; 9 nonies; 10 decies; 11 undecies; 12 duodecies; 13 ter decies / terdecies; 14 quater decies / quaterdecies; 15 quinquies decies / quindecies; 16 sexies decies / … - are there better solutions? ter 1. Overview. Can I request to see a reference about me? Latein: semel bis ter quater quinquies sexies septies octies novies decies undecies duodecies centies milies - einmal zweimal dreimal viemal . ↑ Verzeichnis Latein Auch diese Seite lebt von deiner Mitarbeit. quater propr. Hi Manuel, the only thing missing from this Answer is italicizing the latin suffix, which I achieved by changing the following line: Done! Why do trolleybuses power cables use DC and not AC? In any case, I don't know what's the way the arabic numbers in front of bis and such is incremented. Von House über Schlager bis hin zu Discofox – hier ist für Jeden etwas dabei! The MWE that follows is my non-working example that I am trying to edit to accomplish the desired output. Cosa prevedono? etw vierteln. share | improve this question | follow | asked Dec 2 '16 at 16:39. genespos genespos. On 25 March 1997 the Commission decided that the new scheme did not constitute state aid but was a general measure (see IP/97/251). 105bis, ter, quater of the EPC 2000 for a European patent and on articles 56.1 and 79.3bis of the Italian IP code for the Italian portion, and on the corresponding dispositions of articles 79.1 and 2 of the Italian IP Code for a national patent. = „wie viele?“ lat. ter agg.inv., lat. I nuovi Stati membri che si sono avvalsi della facoltà prevista all'articolo 143 ter quater, paragrafo 2, del regolamento (CE) n. 1782/2003 conservano, conformemente alla decisione adottata nel 2007: Where a new Member State has made use of the option provided for in Article 143bc(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003 shall retain, in accordance with its decision of 2007: 2.3 Nella proposta della Commissione l'allineamento del regolamento (CE) n. 485/2008 con l'articolo 290 del TFUE trova riscontro in particolare nel nuovo articolo 1, paragrafo 2, e nei due nuovi articoli 13 bis, ter e quater del regolamento proposto. I will want to be able to cross-reference these equation numbers as well. 7/bis-7/ter.-7/quater. bis, tris, quater: Explanation: A Spanish laws are amended over time, new articles get shoehorned in between existing articles. So as not to renumber all subsequent articles, the new article inserted after (say) Article 43 is called "Article 43.bis". Last Update: 2017-02-14 Fruit and vegetables other than tomatoes - Article 143bc(2). Ter is a prefix or suffix designating the third instance of a thing, thus following bis (“ second ”) and preceding quater (“ fourth ”). 964i = Art. Trying to learn how to translate from the human translation examples. Suggest a better translation adv. Aktienrecht Nationalrat Frühjahrssession 2020 Geltendes Recht Beschluss des Nationalrates How to transfer bitcoin? Différents outils pour la constitution de la Base Adresses Nationale Ouverte - osm-fr/bano quattro volte 964d, 964e, 964f, 964g und 964h = Art. Es sind typischerweise nachträglich in eine vorhandene Struktur eingefügte Absätze oder … Many translated example sentences containing "14 bis 14 quáter" – English-Spanish dictionary and search engine for English translations. I am able to accomplish this with the following MWE: However, this syntax lacks the automatic equation numbering that I would like to preserve. Usage Frequency: 4 As a corollary to my other Question "French section numbering using bis, ter, etc", I am looking for a way to number equations by appending "bis," "ter," and other latin suffixes after the equation number. Last Update: 2017-04-06 1946, Elizabeth Metzger Howard, Before the Sun Goes Down, p. 31: 2. = „wie viele?“ lat. We're part of Translated, so if you ever need professional translation services, then go checkout our main site, Usage Frequency: 4, Usage Frequency: 5, La nuova sezione consta degli articoli 42, Usage Frequency: 1, Essi consistono nell'aggiunta dei nuovi articoli 34, Usage Frequency: 2, Ortofrutticoli diversi dai pomodori - articolo 143, Gli altri articoli modificati includono i riferimenti o le modalità giustificate dall'introduzione degli articoli 69, Enti di produzione o distribuzione di acqua, istituiti a norma del code communal, article 147, Enti per la produzione o distribuzione di acqua, istituiti a norma del code communal, article 147, la densità minima di piante di cotone di cui all’articolo 171, I massimali di bilancio per il 2008, di cui all'articolo 143, L'importo totale dei pagamenti non deve in nessun caso essere superiore al massimale stabilito conformemente all'articolo 64, paragrafo 2, o all'articolo 143, Elenco dei primi trasformatori riconosciuti, scomposto per prodotto, per gli Stati membri che si avvalgono del dispositivo transitorio di cui agli articoli 68 ter o 143, 2.3 Nella proposta della Commissione l'allineamento del regolamento (CE) n. 485/2008 con l'articolo 290 del TFUE trova riscontro in particolare nel nuovo articolo 1, paragrafo 2, e nei due nuovi articoli 13. 105bis, ter, quater of the EPC 2000 for a European patent and on articles 56.1 and 79.3bis of the Italian IP code for the Italian portion, and on the corresponding dispositions of articles 79.1 and 2 of the Italian IP Code for a national patent. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. \ifcase#1\or\or bis\or ter\or quater\or quinquies\or sexies\or septies\or octies\or novies\or decies\fi By substituting #1 by the number you want. Adding site photos to a print composer atlas in QGIS. Will reducing the cost of Holy Water or improving its effectiveness break things, I need a systematic way to consider all crucial factors when building different kinds of near-future cities. The total amount of payments shall in no case exceed the ceiling fixed in accordance with Article 64(2) or Article 143bc. 2. quarter (give housing): to quarter sb somewhere. Quality: Articolo 28 bis, ter, quater, quinquies, sexies, septies, octies, nonies. The remaining amended Articles contain the references or procedures resulting from Articles 69a, 69b, 69c, and Article 71. Last Update: 2017-04-06 If (as I imagine) you want this to happen only inside a certain environment, like, e.g., corollary, you can use etoolbox. How to deal with player who won't roleplay, insists character-friction is bad, and doesn't take the game seriously? bis mīliēs ‚zweitausendmal‘ 3 000 tria mīlia / trīna mīlia ‚dreitausend‘ ter mīllēsimus ‚dreitausendster‘ trīna mīlia ‚je dreitausend‘ ter mīliēs ‚dreitausendmal‘ 4 000 quattuor mīlia / quaterna mīlia ‚viertausend‘ quater mīllēsimus ‚viertausendster‘ quaterna mīlia ‚je viertausend‘ Zahl-zeichen (römisch) XI = 11 XII = 12 XIII = 13 XIV = 14 XV = 15 XVI = 16 XVII = 17 XVIII = 18 XIX = 19 XX = 20 Kardinalzahlen quot? Pomodori - articolo 143 ter quater, paragrafo 1 | | 869 | 509 |, Tomatoes - Article 143bc(1) | | 869 | 509 |. Siebter Abschnitt: Transparenz bei Rohstoffunternehmen . In this case, we can create a macro, and pass \value{equation} as argument. (Del lat. E quali sono i nuovi Codici Ateco che possono accedere alle agevolazioni? About BIS The BIS's mission is to serve central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank for central banks. Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. But they are often used in French house numbers, for example (although as Xuxl says, hardly ever past "ter"). We use cookies to enhance your experience. This video is unavailable. Could you design a fighter plane for a centaur? Last Update: 2017-02-11 März 2019 Nichteintreten 16.077 - 2 - 5 16.077 n OR. Management of the BIS. 12 Beispiele aus dem Internet. How does Shutterstock keep getting my latest debit card number? Usage Frequency: 1 atitikmenys : angl. Entities producing or distributing water set up pursuant to the code communal, article 47 bis, ter et quater sur les régies communales. Egal, ob bei unseren hauseigenen Events oder bei speziellen Themenevents, w ir sorgen für Abwechslung und machen jedes Event zum besonderen Highlight. In this case, we can create a macro, and pass \value{equation} as argument. ter „dreimal“ quater „viermal“ quinquies „fünfmal“ sexies „sechsmal“ septies „siebenmal“ octies „achtmal“ novies „neunmal“ decies „zehnmal“ Zahlen von 11 – 20 . CO sempre posposto, in una sequenza indica il quarto elemento, dopo quello indicato come ter: articolo ventisette quater {{line}} {{/line}} ETIMO: lat. The figure that follows illustrates the desired output.
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