Alle Magnolia grandiflora cultivars zijn wintergroen en allen hebben zeer gelijkaardige romig wit en komvormige bloemen - namelijk, geproduceerd over de ganse zomer. Za obchodn� velikost se u strom� pova�uje obvod kmene ve v�šce 1m. Magnolia grandiflora is a very popular ornamental tree throughout its native range in the coastal plain of the Gulf/South Atlantic states. Mits de grond voldoende voedingsstoffen bevat, geeft de groenblijvende magnolia helderwitte, geurende tulpachtige bloemen. The timber is hard and heavy, and has been used commercially to make furniture, pallets, and veneer. Two extremes are known, with leaves white underneath and with leaves brown underneath. Synonyms Magnolia grandiflora 'Lanceolata' . [13], The plant collector Mark Catesby, the first in North America, brought M. grandiflora to Britain in 1726, where it entered cultivation and overshadowed M. virginiana, which had been collected a few years earlier. It is best grown in moist, organically rich, well-drained loams in full sun to part shade. Il genere Magnolia fu dedicato da Linneo a Pierre Magnol, professore di medicina e direttore del Giardino Botanico di Montpellier, vissuto fra il 1638 e il 1715.La specie, grandiflora, si riferisce ai grandi fiori profumati che ornano la pianta. [19], It is recommended for seashore plantings in areas that are windy but have little salt spray. Evergreen/bull bay magnolias are the queens of flowering trees. [9] In the eastern United States, it has become an escapee, and has become naturalized in the tidewater area of Virginia and locally in other areas outside of its historically natural range. Appearing before bees did, the flowers are theorized to have evolved to encourage pollination by beetles. Erect in habit, it is often planted against walls. Het is een fabeltje dat je ze niet mag snoeien, meestal hoeft het niet. Tra le diverse specie della grandiflora troviamo la “galissoniensis” con foglie più rossicce, la “lanceolata” con foglie ancor più rosse e la “delavayi”, proveniente dalla Cina, con fiori bianchi e particolarmente profum… Magnolia grandiflora est species arborum florentium familiae Magnoliacearum, in Civitatibus Foederatis meridio-orientalibus endemica, a Virginia litorali ad meridiem ad mediam Floridam, et ad occidentem ad Texiam orientalem et Oclahomam. In Romania este adusa doar pe la sfarsitul anilor 1800. De bloemen van de Magnolia grandiflora zijn zeer groot en komen de gehele zomer aan de boom. ook verkrijgbaar als zuil, struik en hoogstam. Magnolia grandiflora leivorm. M. grandiflora is the state tree of Mississippi and the state flower of Louisiana. Magnolia snoeien: alle snoei tips. Ook de bladknoppen, die lang toegespitst zijn, hebben dezelfde, zachte beharing. This species is extremely variable in size, shape… Details M. grandiflora is a large, rounded evergreen shrub or tree with glossy dark green, leathery, oblong-elliptic leaves, often rusty-brown beneath, and highly fragrant, cup-shaped, cream flowers to 25cm across in late summer and autumn Plant range SE USA 2.0 2.1; Gikan sa gawas nga tinubdan It typically has a single stem (or trunk) and a pyramidal shape. HOBBY - Hobby rostliny jsou stejn� kvalitn� jako naše b�n� standard kvalita, ale jsou mladš� a t�m p�dem menš� a levn�jš�. Hanno forma ellittica e sono attaccate ad un picciolo corto e peloso al tatto, la loro consistenza, infine, è piuttosto coriacea. Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath' houdt echter beter zijn blad vast in onze winters, waardoor hij ieder jaar mooier wordt. [21], The leaves are heavy and tend to fall year round from the interior of the crown and form a dense cover over the soil surface,[21] and they have been used in decorative floral arrangements. Evergreen Magnolia trees can be pruned into shape, but should not … 'Exmouth' was developed in the early 18th century by John Colliton in Devon. It has dark green shiny leaves 3-6 in long and 2-4 in wide with brown undersides. Hoogstam 20/25cm stamomtrek - Stamhoogte 180/220cm - Potmaat 240 liter. The brown varieties are claimed to be more cold-hardy than the white varieties, but this does not appear to be proven as yet. Magnolia Grandiflora The fragrant white flowers are 8 inches in diameter, appearing in late spring and intermittently throughout the summer. Origine. [16] It was reputedly planted as a seedling taken from Jackson's plantation, The Hermitage in Tennessee. We schrijven 1996. Magnolia grandiflora 'Exmouth' (Southern Magnolia) is a magnificent, dense evergreen tree with a straight trunk and a pyramidal to rounded crown. Magnolias are generally known for having large, leathery leaves and impressive white or pink flowers that appear very early in spring—often before the leaves even emerge. [6], Until early 2018, an iconic Southern Magnolia planted by President Andrew Jackson nearly 200 years ago grew near the South Portico of the White House. across (25 cm), appear at the tips of thick, tough stems in mid-spring, throughout the summer and into fall. Here we look at ten different magnolia varieties to … iti ofera posibilitatea de a publica anunturi gratuite pentru orasul tau si imprejurimile sale. The wood is ranked moderate in heaviness, hardness, and stiffness, and moderately low in shrinkage, bending, and compression strength; it is ranked moderately high in shock resistance. Magnolia grandiflora. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Zeer goed te houden als grote, solitaire kuipplant. The large, showy, lemon citronella-scented flowers are white, up to 30 cm (11 3⁄4 in) across and fragrant, with six to 12 petals with a waxy texture, emerging from the tips of twigs on mature trees in late spring. (Ver artículo: Kentia) En el interior del fruto de la Magnolia Grandiflora, se pueden observar folículos que contienen unas 10 semillas aproximadamente de unos 4 o 5 centímetros de longitud cada una. DE LUXE - Do t�to kategorie pat�� speci�ln� vybran� kusy, kter� na sv�j v�k a v�šku maj� velmi hust� v�tven� a celkov� luxusn� vzhled, zpravidla d�ky pravideln�mu st��h�n� nebo jin� speci�ln� p��i. If grown in St. Louis, it should be sited in a protected location. POLOKMEN, MINIKMEN - kmenov� d�evina s ni�š�m kmenem ne� m� strom, v�ška kmene je uvedena v popisu velikosti. Belangrijke eigenschappen. An unusual evergreen, Magnolia grandiflora boasts large, leathery leaves with a glossy dark-green colour on top and a bronzed, furry underneath. En Galicia é moi común na xardinaxe urbana e palaciana color: mostly white Magnolia grandiflora Description of your plant Kingdom: plantae Description of your plant Magnolia grandiflora is a medium to large evergreen tree In 2017 it was decided on the advice of the National Arboretum to cut down and remove the Magnolia because the trunk was in an extremely fragile condition and the supports had been compromised. At best, Magnolia grandiflora is considered to be winter hardy to USDA Zone 6b and is not reliably winter hardy in the St. Louis area. Lumber from all three species is simply called magnolia, which is used in the construction of furniture, boxes, pallets, venetian blinds, sashes, and doors and used as veneers. [17] There was a tradition of gifting cuttings or seedlings grown from the tree: Reagan gifted a cutting to his Chief of Staff Howard Baker upon his retirement, and Michelle Obama donated a seedling to the "people's garden" of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Bij Ten Hoven Bomen kunt u magnolia's kopen van klein tot grote volwassen exemplaren. The gloriously huge, creamy flowers in late summer (August/September) have a complex lemon perfume and look magnificent against the dark background. Magnolia macrophylla with its large fragrant white flowers with red inner band and leaves up to .5m is a fantastic specimen. Magnolia grandiflora Bekijk prijzen en beschikbaarheid Bekijk prijzen. The leaves are green above and brownish underneath. Il seme è di colore rosso intenso e fuoriesce dall'achenio a maturazione. De Magnolia grandiflora Galissoniere bloeit vanaf juli tot laat in de herfst met crèmekleurige zoet geurende bloemen … Plants may become somewhat deciduous in hard winters. Estas semillas se encuentran en cavidades cubiertas por una pub… We choose the most beautiful and at the same time hardiest varieties. Magnolia grandiflora is also grown in parts of Mexico, Central America, and South America as well as parts of Asia. Magnolia grandiflora "Gallisoniensis" pyramidekroon. Magnolia grandiflora, commonly known as the southern magnolia or bull bay, is a tree of the family Magnoliaceae native to the southeastern United States, from Virginia to central Florida, and west to East Texas. De jonge twijgen kleuren van geelgroen naar bruin en zijn zacht behaard. The species is also cultivated as far north as coastal areas of New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island, NY, and Delaware, and in much of the Chesapeake Bay region in Maryland, and eastern Virginia. Jsou krémově bílé a velmi voňavé i na vzdálenost několika metrů. Farther north, few known long term specimens are found due to the severe winters, and/or lack of sufficient summer heat. Magnolia grandiflora Galissoniere een wintergroene Magnolia met grote groene glimmende en dikke bladeren die vooral in de winter een mooie sfeer geven. La magnòlia (Magnolia grandiflora) és un arbre de fins a 25 metres d'alçada, de la família de les magnoliàcies, compacte, perenne i de fulles oblongues alternes.Les seves fulles fan entre 8 i 15 cm. groenblijvende tulpenboom. [20] The foliage will bronze, blotch, and burn in severe winters at the northern limits of cultivation, especially when grown in full winter sun,[21] but most leaves remain until they are replaced by new foliage in the spring. Magnolia grandiflora 'Gallissoniere' (Beverboom) is een groenblijvende Magnolia met heerlijk zoet geurende bloemen. EXTRA - Tyto rostliny jsou ji� velmi rozrostl� a v�kov� zral� se solit�rn�m vzez�en�m. O magnolio, (Magnolia grandiflora) tamén coñecido coma magnolia común ou magnolia branca [1] é unha especie de fanerógama pertencente á familia Magnoliaceae, nativa do sueste dos Estados Unidos dende Carolina do Norte até Texas e a Florida.Adoita cultivarse coma árbore ornamental de folla perenne. Isolation and characterization of the sesquiterpene lactones costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin from Magnolia grandiflora L. Farouk S. El-Feraly and Yee-Ming Chan, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, March 1978, Volume 67, Issue 3, pages 347–350, 3,5′-diallyl-2′-hydroxy-4-methoxybiphenyl, 10.2305/IUCN.UK.2014-1.RLTS.T193948A2291865.en,,, "Exclusive: Iconic White House tree to be cut down", "White House to cut back magnolia tree planted by Andrew Jackson", "Little Gem vs. Teddy Bear Magnolia Trees", United States Department of Agriculture Plants Profile for,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. specifieke kenmerken van de 'magnolia grandiflora galissoniere' : - wintergroene magnoliasoort - bladkleur: glanzend donkergroen, onderkant is roestkleurig en zachtbehaard - grote rubberachtige (leerachtige) bladeren Planta est magna, ad 27.5 m alta attingens, conspicua, sempervirens, magnis foliis atroviridibus et magnis fragrantibusque floribus albis. Een prachtige boom, met een uniek uiterlijk! A medium-sized to large, evergreen tree with large, dark glossy green leaves in a spreading crown and big, pleasantly scented, white flowers. De plant groeit van oorsprong in het zuidoosten van de Verenigde Staten waar de boom in de bossen wel meer dan 30 meter hoog kan worden: er is een exemplaar bekend van 37,2 meter. Come si fa una talea di magnolia: ce lo spiega la nostra esperta Kety Cialdi, di Pollici Rosa. It typically grows to 60-80’ tall with a pyramidal to rounded crown. Zelfs de Magnolia grandiflora om die in de tuin in toom te houden. Laurel magnolia,[6] evergreen magnolia,[4] large-flower magnolia or big laurel are alternative names. deze groenblijvende beverboom is een lust voor het ook. Magnolia is a large genus of about 210 flowering plant species in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae.It is named after French botanist Pierre Magnol.. Magnolia is an ancient genus. € 205,15 Southern magnolia/Magnolia grandiflora L. In Southern fruit-producing woody plants used by wildlife. De witte bloemen zijn enorm. It was the oldest tree on the White House grounds and was so famous that it was for decades pictured on the back of the $20 bill as part of a view of the South Front. Flowering is followed by the rose-coloured fruit, ovoid polyfollicle, 7.5–10 cm (3–3 7⁄8 in) long, and 3–5 cm (1 1⁄4–2 in) wide. Thick glossy leaves covered beneath by rusty hairs. Magnolia grandiflora is een boomsoort uit de tulpenboomfamilie (Magnoliaceae).De soort komt van nature voor in de zuidoostelijke staten van de Verenigde Staten: van de kust van North Carolina naar het zuiden tot centraal Florida en naar het westen tot Oost-Texas.In Zuid-Europa is de boom veel in parken en als laanboom aangeplant. It is notable for its huge flowers, with up to 20 tepals, and vigorous growth. Yang MH, Blunden G, Patel AV, O'Neill MJ and Lewis JA, Planta medica, 1994, vol. Hij heeft grote donkergroene bladeren, die glanzend en leerachtig zijn en aan de onderkant roestkleurig en zachtbehaard. Around 50% of seeds can germinate, and they are spread by birds and mammals. Té una gran flor blanca i aromàtica de fins a un pam i de color crema. Deze bloeit al van jongs af aan, ideaal dus voor een kleine tuin. Magnolia Grandiflora C10 от ДАНИЕЛ ЕЛ ДИ - Виж този и други Продукти в Декоративна растителност за навън, Декоративни дървета, Дървета ... Punica Granatum (melograno da frutto… and Wang, H.-w. (2008) Extraction of the Volatile Oil from the Leaves of Magnolia grandiflora L with Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Its Component Analysis. The upper leaf surface is dark green and the lower surface is often covered by brown, dense, felt-like hairs. Often considered classic trees and shrubs symbolizing the South, Magnolia is a remarkably diverse genus of plants that includes many species suitable for colder climates. Le sue foglie verde scuro brillanti hanno un ambiente caldo PLANTGROEP. [22] The leaves have a waxy coating that makes them resistant to damage from salt and air pollution. Vooral in warme zomers produceert de boom bloemen Magnolia grandiflora 'Gallissoniere' staat graag beschut op een plekje in de zon. Fruit met rode zaden, de Stierenbaai van de Magnolia grandiflora, Zuidelijke Magnolia. беларуская: Магнолія буйнакветкавая čeština: šácholan Deutsch: Immergrüne Magnolie English: southern magnolia français: Magnolia à grandes feuilles galego: Magnolio común magyar: Nagyvirágú liliomfa, örökzöld liliomfa 日本語: タイサンボク русский: Магнолия крупноцветковая Magnolia grandiflora "galissonniere" is een grote wintergroene magnolia boom met een conisch opgaande vorm en een breed piramidale kroon. Long-flowering, it has oval leaves which lack the brownish hair underneath. È essenza originaria delle regioni centrali dell’America e del sud degli Stati Uniti Southern magnolia has yellowish-white sapwood and light to dark brown heartwood tinted yellow or green. 'Ferruginea' has dark-green leaves with rust-brown undersides. 'Edith Bogue' was brought to the coastal plain of New Jersey from Florida in the 1920s. Pruning should be carried out in mid-summer to early autumn (avoid late winter to early spring). Their summertime blooms are creamy and thick and their foliage varies from shiny and waxy (see: Magnolia grandiflora) to soft, green, enormous, and shaped like saucers (see: M. macrophylla, also known as bigleaf magnolia). Ook wel beverboom genoemd. NEM�ME ROSTLINU SKLADEM? Its specific epithet is derived from the Latin words grandis "big", and flor- "flower". Magnolia Grandiflora (Tulpenboom Beverboom) is een prachtige wintergroene boom met een kegelvormige groeiwijze. Pe te asteapta locuri de munca, apartamente si camere de inchiriat, masini second-hand si telefoane mobile la preturi mici. "Victoria" is a form grown in the Pacific Northwest that is reportedly hardy to -12 F. It has a more open habit and shiny dark green leaves with brown undersides. The leaves are large and deep green, but lack the brown. Family Magnoliaceae . Los frutos de la Magnolia Grandiflora tienen una forma muy característica, casi igual a una piña. These plants can ordered online and shipped directly to you or picked up at the nursery. Magnolol, honokiol, and 3,5′-diallyl-2′-hydroxy-4-methoxybiphenyl exhibited significant activity against Gram-positive and acid-fast bacteria and fungi. The original tree sent to Edith A. Bogue from Florida helped to establish cold-hardy specimens in the Middle Atlantic states from Delaware to coastal Connecticut. Het blad doet een beetje denken aan een ficus. De bladeren zijn dik, glanzend groen en hebben een bronskleurige onderzijde. 'Angustifolia', developed in France in 1825, has narrow, spear-shaped leaves 20 cm (7.9 in) long by 11 cm (4.3 in) wide, as its name suggests. Deze groenblijvende Magnolia kan wel 40 meter hoog worden. We hebben net ons eerste huis gekocht, en ik probeer me te verdiepen in tuinontwerp. beverboom. [32] The sesquiterpenes are known to be costunolide, parthenolide, costunolide diepoxide, santamarine, and reynosin. Deze zuidelijke magnolia is inheems in het zuidoosten van de Noordelijk Amerika. STROM - kmenov� d�evina s korunou, kdy kmen m� v�šku 190-210 cm, nen�-li v popisu uvedeno jinak. [27] Some cultivars have been found to be more cold hardy, they include: Magnolia grandiflora contains phenolic constituents shown to possess significant antimicrobial activity. Magnolia grandiflora require little pruning, so just remove damaged or awkwardly positioned branches. Magnolia grandiflora op stam kopen. It had also come to France, the French having collected it in the vicinity of the Mississippi River in Louisiana. Shippable Sizes. • Toppers: de Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ heeft lelievormige rozepaarse bloemen die samen met het blad verschijnen en de hele zomer door blijven bloeien, vaak zelfs tot in de herfst. [6] In the interior of the US, some of the cold-hardy cultivars have flourished as far north as northern Kentucky and Cincinnati, Ohio, where a sizable population exists. Culture. On the West Coast, it can be grown as far north as the Vancouver, B.C., Canada area, though cooler summers on the West Coast slow growth compared to the East Coast. Flower and foliage of M. grandiflora. Polaganje tlakovcev; Postavljanje mrežnih in panelnih ograj; Utrjevanje brežin, kokosova mreža; Odstranitev obstoječe travne ruše; Posojanje rastlin Aseara am primit prin curierat o Magnolia Grandiflora de 65 cm si am luat netul in brate ca sa vad ce si cum. p. 196-197. They are dark green, stiff and leathery, and often scurfy underneath with yellow-brown pubescence. The national champion is a specimen in Smith County, Mississippi, that stands an incredible 37 m (121 ft). Tento web pou��v� k�poskytov�n� slu�eb a anal�ze n�všt�vnosti soubory cookies - podrobnosti naleznete zde . The Magnolia virginiana L. Scientific Name: Magnolia virginiana L. (aka. Coumarins and sesquiterpene lactones from Magnolia grandiflora leaves. Grown for its attractive, shiny green leaves and fragrant flowers, it has a long history in the southern United States. Se pare ca-s multe varietati de Grandiflora insa toate sunt albe iar a mea este "Ferrugineana". Sweetbay Magnolia) Area of Residence: All of the southern states in the U.S. to include D.C. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. 367 likes. Magnolia staat in Nederland ook wel bekend als een beverboom. It is found on the edges of bodies of water and swamps, in association with sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), water oak (Quercus nigra), and black tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica). Many broadleaved evergreen trees are known as bays for their resemblance to the leaves of the red bay (Persea borbonia), with this species known as the bull bay for its huge size or alternatively because cattle have been reported eating its leaves. iti ofera posibilitatea de a publica anunturi gratuite pentru orasul tau si imprejurimile sale. Magnolia grandiflora ('Praecox') ... Goliáš mezi magnóliemi opravdu ručí za to, že na velikosti záleží: květy patří k největším ve skupině grandiflora, dosahují běžně 30 cm v průměru. [9], In Florida, it is found in a number of different ecological areas that are typically shady and have well-draining soils; it is also found in hummocks, along ravines, on slopes, and in wooded floodplains. Floreix entre els mesos de maig i juliol. Heeft een breed piramidale kroon. 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' was developed by Ray Bracken of Easley, South Carolina, in the late 1960s and patented in 1985. In één van die boeken staat een prachtige leiboom, in volle bloei, Magnolia grandiflora, een wintergroene Magnolia met grote witte bloemen. [2] It typically has a single stem (or trunk) and a pyramidal shape. ZAV�TVEN� OD ZEM� - znamen� d�evinu, kter� neroste jako klasick� ke�, ale m� kmen a v�tve se objevuj� ji� od zem� a pokra�uj� vzh�ru pod�l kmene. u TRAV a TRVALEK se v�tšinou uv�d� pr�m�r kv�tin��e nebo pr�m�r trsu, ��m� se odkazuje na hustota trsu. Il frutto è un achenio e cresce in grappoli ovoidali lunghi 8–12 cm. It is also espaliered against walls, which improves its frost-hardiness.[6]. Magnolia grandiflora is bij ons groenblijvend maar niet geheel winterhard. Magnolia Grandiflora. Magnolia grandiflora: come coltivarla e potarla? [11][12], Magnolia grandiflora can produce seed by 10 years of age, although peak seed production is achieved closer to 25 years of age. Redelijk winterhard maar vraagt een beschutte plek in de tuin. Magnolia Little Gem is a very popular evergreen magnolia tree. [14] It was glowingly described by Philip Miller in his 1731 work The Gardeners' Dictionary. [15] One of the earliest people to cultivate it in Europe was Sir John Colliton of Exeter in Devon; scaffolding and tubs surrounded his tree, where gardeners propagated its branches by layering, the daughter plants initially selling for five guineas each (but later falling to half a guinea). Magnolia grandiflora - Giant Evergreen Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora - Giant Evergreen Magnolia. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Magnolia Grandiflora Magnolia grandiflora is angiosperma planta Magnolia grandiflora : branch, flower, and leaf. Beautiful tree - Magnolia Grandiflora is an evergreen magnolia, sometimes seen growing against a wall in a sunny position, but just as likely to be seen as a good specimen shrub. Cuya longitud es de 10 centímetros aproximadamente. Magnolia grandiflora. Magnolia grandiflora is a medium to large evergreen tree which may grow 120 ft (37 m) tall. Magnolia grandiflora 'goliath' Magnolia grandiflora 'Goliath'Zuidelijke beverboom (Onze catalogus toont ons assortiment, niet onze voorraad.) This page was last edited on 13 February 2020, at 13:15. NEDERLANDSE NAAM. [7] The timber is known simply as magnolia. Most of these plants are shipped bare root, read about shipping methods Magnolia zones vary by species, but most all of them thrive in full sun or partial shade with regular water. In climates where the ground freezes, winter sun appears to do more damage than the cold. [4], Exceptionally large trees have been reported in the far southern United States. Southern Magnolia has glossy, leathery, evergreen, oval-shaped leaves that are 5 to 8 inches or more long and half as wide. Etimologia. [23] Its use in the Southeastern United States has been supplanted by the availability of harder woods.[24]. The usually straight-grained wood has uniform texture with closely spaced rings. Antimicrobial activity of phenolic constituents of magnolia grandiflora L. Alice M. Clark, Arouk S. El-Feraly, Wen-Shyong Li, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, August 1981, Volume 70, Issue 8, pages 951–952. Magnolia (Nederlandstalige naam beverboom) is de naam van het type geslacht van de Magnoliafamilie (Magnoliaceae).Het geslacht is in West-Europa niet inheems en is hier het bekendst vanwege de rijk bloeiende soorten en kruisingen die in veel tuinen en parken zijn aangeplant.. Magnolia's hebben ongedifferentieerde bloembladeren: de bloemen hebben een bloemdek bestaande uit … [33], Magnolia grandiflora (southern magnolia) – a large tree at Hemingway, South Carolina. [4], Magnolia grandiflora was one of the many species first described by Linnaeus in the 10th edition of his Systema Naturae in 1759,[5] basing his description on the earlier notes of Miller. In zijn habitat groeit hij uit tot een boomachtige struik van 18-30 meter, bij ons tot 10 meter. [4], Southern magnolias are native to the Southeastern United States, from Virginia south to central Florida, and then west to East Texas. This is a magnificent tree of the South. [2] [3] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Magnolia grandiflora … Magnolia grandiflora is a medium to large evergreen tree which may grow 120 ft (37 m) tall.