If the founding dogs were smooth-coated as the later St. John’s water dogs were, then most of the retrievers that were derived from these dogs would have been smooths. Lots of smooth-coated dogs have this rare recessive long-haired allele. The dogs look very much like the old wavy-coated retriever and the long-haired St. John’s water dogs, which were essentially the same breed. Bond Moore, who often called his dogs “Labradors,” were instrumental in establishing the old wavy/flat-coated retriever as defined breed. Il Labradoodle è un cane di taglia piccola, e ha poche caratteristiche fisse perché come abbiamo detto è una razza recente e comunque dipende anche dai genitori. Pelo corto molto folto e ruvido al tatto ,possiede un abbondante e denso sottopelo che lo difendono dalle basse temperature e dalle intemperie rendendolo quasi impermeabile. Il pelo del Labrador è facile da tenere pulito e in ordine, ma questa razza ha una muta piuttosto impegnativa. but yes, that would be good stock to start with! All that has to happen is for both parents to be carrying a “copy” of the allele for it to be expressed in a few of the offspring. If they haven’t already been spayed/neutered. New and was wonder long haired lab? Smooth-coated retrievers were very uncommon at this time, which also strongly suggests that the founding population of St. John’s water dogs that were used to found the wavy-coated retrievers were of the shaggy-type that Lambert de Boilieu mentioned. | Canis lupus hominis […]. I have read about the “Greater Labrador” and the “Lesser Labrador”. Sorry to hear about your Lab Kat. She had a few short coated sisters and brothers and at least 2 other long coats. La morfologia, quindi, oggi come oggi non è del tutto prevedibile. hello, I was looking up info on long haired black labs on google and came across this, i actually have one that is 7 months old right now. 19-nov-2015 - Esplora la bacheca "LABRADOR NERO" di Perla su Pinterest. Zelstone was born in 1880, and he became a very important sire in the old wavy and flat-coated retriever breed from which both golden retrievers and modern flat-coats descend. And you may have seen a dog like this one on this blog before. Di marti1980 nel forum RETRIEVERS Risposte: 6 Ultimo Messaggio: 01-11-13, 02:36 PM. 2 I love her so much and she is so adorable! can anyone tell me where to look for another one . Modern Labrador retriever are almost universally smooth-coated dogs. Paris was said to have been a pure “Labrador” or “St. Qualche piccolo ciuffo di peli bianchi è accettabile. However, other breeders certainly did outcross. just wat your look for Golden Retriever Mix Golden Retriever Labrador Retriever Cuccioli Carini Cani Carini Cani E Cuccioli Cagnolini Cuccioli Di Cani Cuccioli A Pelo Lungo Golden Retriever – Noble Loyal Companions Golden Retrievers are one of the most honest dog breeds you’ll ever encounter. No one, as far as I know, breeds for it. Sono cani dolci, docili e gentili, che si affezionano alla famiglia che li adotta; si addestrano abbastanza facilmente, ma con difficoltà si rimuove il loro tratto che li porta a fare amicizia con tutti, anche con gli estranei. There is also a “Greater Labrador” that I’ve come across, which sounds like another word for Landseer. My Mom adopted one of the other long coat girls. Se lasciati in casa a lungo, tendono ad annoiarsi, ed a ricercare il contatto umano, pretendendo attenzione. She gets along great with my chihuahua too!They wrestle and play all day long! Officially, the breed was “Retriever”, and inter-breeding was allowed, with progeny registered as “Retriever (Interbred)”. Also, people seemed to admire long haired dogs more than short-haired in those Victorian days. But the smooth-coated dog has a lighter eye—a pale hazel with an intensely black pupil, occasionally very like what is known as a “china” or “wall-eye.” Be that how it may, they are the best of all breeds for boating; they can stand all weathers, and though men unused to them call them butchers’ dogs [a common complaint was that St. John’s water dogs with smooth coats looked like bulldogs], I think them handsome, and I know that they are sensible, and that the punt and shore men, living by adroit use of the long stauncheon gun and “flat,” look upon them as a part of their household, and in some cases—to quote the words of one old sporting farmer, to a duke who wanted to buy his horse— “no man has money enough to buy them” (pg. Long-haired Labrador retrievers are a sort of atavism. Were Romulus and Remus really nursed by a she-wolf? Se non lo trovi imposta un avviso … He definitely has a different personality than any of my prior labs. A volte, sebbene decisamente di rado, capita che in una cucciolata sia presente un cagnolino con il pelo lungo e riccioluto, ma tali esemplari non possono ricevere il pedigree e non appartengono alla razza labrador, in quanto portatori di un difetto congenito che induce a classificarli come meticci. Subito dopo guardano il mio golden e dicono "lei è la femmina di . Sono animali esuberanti, che sembrano non stancarsi mai, quindi educateli fin da piccoli ad un comportamento contenuto e calmo quando sono in casa, o rischiate che danneggino mobili e divani. Esistono dei Labrador color cioccolata, detti marroni, esemplari color sabbia e Labrador neri. Il pelo, infatti, è una delle caratteristiche che permette di distinguerli a vista, perché questi ultimi hanno il pelo lungo e morbido. Per info sul costo della monta e altre foto gradito contatto telefonico o via whatsapp. Il loro mantello è impermeabile, ma il golden retriever ha un pelo più lungo e ondulato rispetto a quello del labrador e, quindi, richiede una toeletta leggermente più frequente (ogni 2-3 giorni). Can pictures be posted here of our dogs ? There strangest ones I’ve seen are long-coated bassets! Well, of course, a long-haired dog is so much more…displayable. However, chocolate is recessive to black, so the puppies wind up black. These kind of black Labradors though can produce all three colors in a litter if bred together, including yellows with brown lips and noses, which are chocolates in which brown or liver pigment cannot appear in the fur. I kept the female because she was unusual with her thick wavy coat and long hair and 6 years later I finally found out and got confirmation from AKC that I received an unusually and never happens a very rare flat coat retriever from 2 akc labrador retrievers. I am still hesitating. It is likely that some of these were long-haired dogs. Farquharson was a major importer of dogs from Newfoundland, and although most of his dogs were of the larger type, he evidently had some of the smaller St. John’s type. One needs to understand that the dog that these texts call a “Labrador” isn’t necessarily the same as the breed called the “Labrador retriever.”  The modern Labrador retriever traces to the 1880’s, when the line of smooth-coated retrievers that was kept by the Dukes of Buccleuch was combined with that of the Earls of Malmesbury. Ci sono 470 offerte di cuccioli di Labrador in adozione da allevamenti, negozi, canili, privati, fra le quali trovare quella ideale per te. they are very good looking dogs. Melody was a setter cross, and she looks more like a setter than even the modern flat-coated retriever, which had some Irish setter crossed in at a later date to make them even more refined. one person followed me and one person unfollowed me // automatically checked by, one person followed me // automatically checked by. Se non lo trovi imposta un avviso … Post was not sent - check your email addresses! The short-coated Labrador was recognized (by the Kennel Club in the UK) as its own variety in 1903– and it was as a *variety* of Retriever rather than as a distinct breed. Tracer, his son and full brother to Ch. Labrador Retriever: prezzo. Even-tempered and well-behaved around young children and the elderly, Labradors are athletic and playful, and are the most popular breed of dog by registered ownership in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. It is often said that the long-coats on these dogs derived from crossing the smooth-coated St. John’s water dog with the setter. Le ultime cucciolate degli allevamenti di cani professionali o amatoriali. She is very smart and very loving. Il pelo in genere assomiglia a quello del Barbone ma è medio lungo, può essere più riccio o più liscio a seconda del gene che prevale. In my case the parents: the mom was long hair and the dad was short hair with fluffy ears, they both had some kind of long hair in their genes. They are super cute. Idstone believed that the setter was the primary ancestor of the wavy-coated retriever, but we now know that during the early days of this kind of retriever in the nineteenth century that they were primarily of St. John’s water dog ancestry. Questo cane è leggermente più lungo che alto. Sono molto attivi, e necessitano di correre e muoversi molto: se lasciati a casa per lunghi pomeriggi tendono a manifestare nel corso degli anni problemi alle articolazioni. Posted in Labrador retriever, St. John's Water Dog, working dogs, working retrievers | Tagged Flat-coated retriever, Labrador, long-haired Labrador, long-haired water dog, St. John's Water Dog, St. John's water dog with long-hair, wavy-coated retriever | 35 Comments. These dogs are extremely rare– much rarer than Labradors with tan poins or brindling. martina t. albert – Longford – VI – Italy. Labrador Retriever Cuccioli Di Labrador Cuccioli Di Corgi Cani E Cuccioli Carini Cuccioli A Pelo Lungo Simpatici Animaletti Cuccioli Cani Più Teneri Cani Neri Mom and daughter Explore S. … Not sure if you have already found one but if still interested, please reach out to me at brkonwar@gmail.com. When families came to start making their picks, the “fluffy pups” were the first to go, even though we gave the families our research, the expected increased grooming and adult coat, and the DNA results. I just picked up a long haired black lab puppy last night. He is ten weeks old and by far the biggest 10 week old lab I have ever seen. Nei Labrador esiste un gene che causa soggetti a pelo lungo e … Pag. Labrador Retriever, finisce sempre per essere accorciato in Labrador e basta, e si tratta di una delle razze di cani più nota e comune. Do Labradors come in long-hair? Ariete a pelo lungo. Allevamento e vendita cuccioli cani di razza Chihuahua Pelo Lungo. Il manto è sempre unicolore. Il gene responsabile del pelo lungo è recessivo, servono quindi due genitori portatori di questo gene per avere la probabilità di avere dei cuccioli con il pelo lungo; questa cosa avviene assai di rado e in ogni caso non è mai voluta dagli allevatori, e si considera un colpo di sfortuna. Hello Bill P, i have a akc registered LONG HAIRED choclate lab puppy (2mos old) for sale. However, this doesn’t theory hold up with much scrutiny. Vendita Cuccioli di Labrador: da allevamento con ventennale esperienza a gestione familiare, sono disponibili cuccioli di labrador neri e chocolate che saranno pronti per essere inseriti in famiglia 04/11/2020. Labrador, golden, and flat-coated retrievers were considered varieties of a single breed, and interbreeding the varieties was very common. She sheds but not as much since I brush her everyday. I just came across one in Hungary, I was looking for a black girl and the breeder told me this was the only one left of the litter. The modern flat-coated retriever also has more or less the setter’s coat, which lacks the very, very dense undercoat that is associated with golden and Labrador retrievers. Yes, I would love to see some pics if you have the time .Thank you so much, Bill P. I received a long hair black lab and she is 2 years old. She almost looks like a border collie in coloring but they both had the same parents. I am sure they shed tons of hair as well. Very lovable but very playful and smart as a whip. Alleviamo con amore: shihtzu, maltesi, yorkshire, labrador, e per i gatti i ragdoll (gatti a pelo lungo). Chihuahua pelo lungo color Chocolate & Tan, linee russe, Pedigree Enci. Moonstone, was bred into the strain of yellow wavy-coated retrievers at Guisachan. La spazzola migliore per il Labrador è una buona spazzola con setole dure o un cardatore, disponibili nella maggior parte dei negozi per animali. He is five months old and is the smartest lab I have ever owned. Non di meno, sappiamo come sia stato utilizzato per gettare le basi delle attuali razze retriever. The long-haired dogs likely comprised the vast majority of the dogs imported to Britain, where they were used to found the wavy-coated retriever. thanks My mother and I responded to an ad in our local newspaper about lab puppies and when we got there, there was one short hair and and long hair. 4 anni. This was the only British retriever to be selected for the dominant smooth coat. We took them both and i kept the long hair. Raramente si possono trovare esemplari dal mantello “bianco”, che non è tuttavia un vero e proprio bianco, ma piuttosto una nuance crema chiaro. I cani di razza labrador sono affettuosi e coccoloni, e tendono ad essere amichevoli con tutti, esseri umani e altri animali; proprio per questo motivo, non sono assolutamente adatti come cani da guardia, perché si fanno corrompere da poche coccole, anche da un occasionale passante: fate attenzione a lasciarli in giardino da soli, perché potrebbero seguire il primo venuto.