By the time they returned to the Jade Palace, Shifu believed that Po was ready to receive the Dragon Scroll, and used his name instead of calling him "panda" when addressing him. Neuf. It is unknown when and where exactly Shifu gained the members of the Furious Five, with the exception of Tigress, whom he took in as a child after being recruited by the matron of the Bao Gu Orphanage to help her control her temper and destructive strength. A horrified Tigress runs to her adoptive father, but Shifu tells Tigress to run and warn Po. Shifu was teaching Po with a dummy hung from a rope when the panda was knocked down, appearing to be distracted. But their success convinced Lord Shen to ruthlessly fire one of his cannons at the wreckage of boats the masters had created, which exploded everything and everyone in front of him. The news instantly set them in an uproar, making Tigress and the other Five leave the palace to try and stop Tai Lung on their own while Shifu attempted to stop a panicking Po from leaving. He is the current senior master of the Jade Palace and trainer of many kung fu warriors, including Po (the Dragon Warrior), the Furious Five, and Tai Lung. Shifu Shifu watching Po get hurt in the Training Hall. Utilizing domino tiles, Shifu set to work taming the cub's untrained power, attempting to teach her grace and gentleness. Red pandas are native to places like Nepal and China and are roughly the size of a raccoon. As a result, the leopard was luckily stopped when Oogway jammed multiple pressure points on him with a Chi-based nerve attack, leaving Shifu horrified as the warrior he raised and trained fell unconscious before him. Master Shifu announces that he will be teaching his final class, and Po will take over training after this. When the owl's change to villainy was complete, she challenged Oogway for right as future master of the Jade Palace. The turtle accepted the news calmly, saying that he had faith in Po as the Dragon Warrior and quietly admonished his student, telling him to be patient and nurture the panda instead of offering harshness. Shifu is also known for his amazing sense of hearing, possibly due to his large ears. When Po enters the gate, he asks Po to teach them in a Kung-Fu class. However, in doing so, he learned that the panda had a more profound handicap: He was burdened with a deep self-loathing and considered himself a fat failure. It was then that Shifu showed emotional attachment to the Five and concern for their well-being. Though he could understand wanting to spend a holiday with his father, Shifu reminded Po that he still had his duties as the Dragon Warrior. However, upon opening the scroll, it was revealed that it was blank. He is a legendary kung fu master renowned by many for his outstanding intellect; among his admirers is Shifu, who idolizes him and once commented on Yao being "the greatest kung fu mind this world has ever known." Shifu began to panic that Po would completely skip out on the Jade Palace's formal feast and pleaded somebody to do something; a goose singer amateurishly tried to sing, only making Shifu groan. It became evident at this time, however, that Shifu felt relatively horrible about kicking Mr. Ping out, and in turn helped Po and the Five rebuild the noodle shop.[18]. Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, Heroes who aren't revealed to be good at first, Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends, Shifu calling Zeng to send a message to Chorh-Gom Prison to prevent Tai Lung from escaping. À la veille du dixième anniversaire de la sortie du dessin animé de Kung Fu Panda sur l'écran du monde, j'aimerais rappeler et parler de ses héros, ou plutôt, enfin, trouver la question: quel genre de maître des animaux, Shifu, est ce grand mentor indestructible et cet exemple pour imiter le mignon chub Pô , aimé par beaucoup de sa spontanéité, sa maladresse et son désir de rêve. After hearing that Tai Lung had escaped prison and was returning, Shifu sought help from Oogway, still convinced that Po wasn't the Dragon Warrior and couldn't possibly stop Tai Lung. At the end of the first film, however, Shifu finally accepted her after he had attained inner peace due to Po's efforts of defeating Tai Lung. Oogway told him that he had a vision of one of them; Tai Lung's return. (2nd film). [12], He was also very objective in terms of obedience to his master, following Oogway's every word closely. The next morning, Shifu came back from his vigil under the now barren peach tree, only to discover that Po hadn't left after all and was currently tearing apart the kitchen and eating everything in sight in his agitation — and performing some tricks that should have been beyond the panda's abilities as he tried to reach food that was hidden or out of reach. La réplique la plus culte de Maître Shifu est : « Les seuls souvenirs qu'on collectionne ce sont des mains en sang et des os brisés.» (Maître Shifu dans Kung Fu Panda). Master Shifu (or simply Shifu) is one of the main characters of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. In questo processo emozionale creato dall’opera della Dreamworks assume un valore centrale il Maestro Oogway.Il personaggio che preferisco senza ombra di dubbio. Master Tigress is one of the main supporting characters of the Kung Fu Panda franchise. At the start of the short, he dashes with Po to the Gate. Sometimes, however, both father and son were forced out of each village right when the villagers found out that the talismans were fake. Shifu followed them, grumbling about how Po ruined something so perfect. [1], Shifu telling Po about the Winter Feast in Kung Fu Panda Holiday, Since the events of the first film, Shifu seems to be a much warmer and more understanding master. Puoi anche scaricare gratis le tue … In the same episode, Shifu was also seen dancing for the first time (which was a plot to take off the chains that Temutai placed on him to prevent his escape). Shifu immediately feared this was the work of Lord Shen, and that he and his weapon must be stopped or it would be the end of kung fu. Jeu Kung Fu Panda Shifu : Le jeu Kung Fu Panda Shifu est un de nos meilleurs jeux de kung fu panda shifu et jeux de jeux de kung fu gratuits !!! Gipsy - 070639 - Kung Fu Panda - Shifu - 18 cm - Multicolore. Inaspettatamente un giorno viene associato alla scuola del Maestro Shifu. La primera derrota deShifu fue la de Tai Lung, porque él no podía decidirse a herir a su ex hijo adoptivo. This strong sense of obedience and objectivity eventually proved to be one of his strongest characteristics, as seen when he decided to believe and train Po to become the Dragon Warrior due to Oogway's final instructions. He shared with Po that he had learned it through pain and suffering, which he said he endured from the events with Tai Lung and Oogway's selection of Po as the Dragon Warrior, calling it "the worse day of [his] life." Tigress looks on horrified as Shifu's chi is taken, and Kai appears to be inspecting Shifu's chi pendant with pride due to having taken the chi of the most powerful master in China. Shifu attempted to stop him with a single blow but hesitated, knowing that he couldn't hurt his very first pupil, and let the rampaging monster knock him aside, shattering his hip. Please find below the ___ Shifu of Kung Fu Panda (teacher) answer and solution which is part of Daily Themed Crossword May 11 2018 Answers.Many other players have had difficulties with ___ Shifu of Kung Fu Panda (teacher) that is why we have decided to share not only this crossword clue but all the Daily Themed Crossword Answers every single day. Âges : 10 mois - 10 ans. Shifu then states that Kai can only be defeated by a true master of Chi. Formalités douanières et suivi international fournis +11,13 EUR (livraison) Dreamworks KUNG FU PANDA … He also wears black pants (white in the TV series), closed-toed sandals, traditional Shaolin leg wraps around his ankles and lower legs, and a ring-like item that holds together his small goatee. Resultado de imagen para imagenes maestro shifu kung fu panda. Male Kai absorbs the chi of Monkey and Viper, while separating Tigress and Shifu with a blast of Chi. The Jade Palace in the Valley of Peace The red panda cub waited for him until nightfall, but he never showed, so the legendary Kung Fu Grand Master Oogway found him and took him in, making him a student at the Jade Palace. Shifu understood that the best way to teach him was to use food as motivation, and with that, he took the panda to the Wu Dan Mountains. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends, - "Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness Characters: Shifu", Kung Fu Panda Official Site - Master Shifu, Achetez Gipsy - 070639 - Kung Fu Panda - Shifu - 18 cm - Multicolore : Peluches : Livraison gratuite possible dès 25€ Regardez le making of du film Kung Fu Panda 3 (Kung Fu Panda 3 - MAKING OF "Pierre Arditi parle de Maître Shifu"). Jeu Kung Fu Panda 2 . Shifu ponders about the dream until the next day, when Shifu teaches him balance. Twenty years passed since Tai Lung was put in prison, with the Furious Five gaining great fame across China during that time. Welcome to my Youtube Channel. Série Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Kung Fu Panda est un film d'animation américain produit par DreamWorks Animation , réalisé par Mark Osborne et John Stevenson , sorti en 2008 . Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He then told Po to take the Five and travel to Gongmen City to stop Lord Shen and destroy the weapon. Blue Analyse de la phrase. [afficher] Kung Fu PandaKung Fu Panda 2Kung Fu Panda 3 Maestro Shifu. 9 . This made Tai Lung overly confident with his own abilities while mastering advanced techniques such as nerve attacks and all on-thousand scrolls of Kung Fu that he directed his life into earning and mastering the Dragon Scroll (which the chosen Dragon Warrior was said to be granted his promised power from when reading it), but his growing pride lust for power alerted Oogway of darkness in his heart, prompting the wise tortoise to refuse the title from the snow leopard. However, Po proved to be enthusiastic and determined, even under Shifu's sharp verbal barbs and his own constant bumbling, which only serving to make Shifu become even more spiteful. Alarmed, Shifu sent a messenger goose named Zeng to Chorh-Gom Prison with a letter to its warden, Commander Vachir, ordering double security in hopes of preventing the vision from coming true. -Maestro Shifu – Ese panda flácido no puede ser la respuesta a nuestro problema. Pequeño, rápido y astuto, el maestro Shifu es un guerrero bastante talentoso. Red Panda Style of kung fu, various other styles (presumably) The old master, seeing darkness in Tai Lung, disappointed them both when he said that Tai Lung could never be the Dragon Warrior. 21. Frasi celebri e citazioni dal film Kung Fu Panda di Mark Osborne, John Stevenson con Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane. Po fa il cameriere ma intanto sogna di poter essere un eroe del kung fu. Shifu with Po, the Five, Mr. Ping, and Wo Hop. [13], Throughout the series, Shifu is shown to be generally enigmatic and calm, but on rare occasion also displays a playful side. But after Tai Lung's betrayal, he became distant, a strict and harsh taskmaster to his students. He continued by explaining how inner peace could be achieved through various ways. This is seen when he rebuked the Furious Five to be "doing well if they were trying to disappoint him" when they failed to defeat him in a training session earlier in the first film. When Po demanded just how Shifu could actually help him to win against Tai Lung, Shifu was at a loss and quietly retreated without an answer. The Five and all the other masters, moved by Po's loyalty, made their way to the Noodle Shop to celebrate the holiday with him. Though she failed in achieving the title, and in defeating Tai Lung, Shifu declared he was proud of all his students, including Tigress, before parting with them on what they thought would be their last meeting. La citation de Maître Shifu la plus courte est : « - Maître Shifu, ne mourrez pas ! Williamhodkinson55. Kung Fu Panda è un film uscito nel 2008, il primo sulle avventure del panda Po. Shifu is then slightly mortified by Po's new mastery of chi, and the fact that Po had Oogway's yin yang staff, whom Oogway had given in the spirit realm, asking if Po can teach him, which fulfilled what Shifu said earlier- there is always something new to learn, even for a master. Background information During all this time, Shifu expressed nothing but love and pride in his student, raising and training him until he saw that Tai Lung's natural and formidable kung fu skills would make him the prophesied Dragon Warrior, not realizing that he was creating a monster until it was too late. Un panda goffo e pasticcione ha un grande sogno nella vita: diventare un eroe del Kung Fu. Achat immédiat. Achetez 1 Peluche Kung Fu Panda 3 - 18 Cm De Gipsy - Aléatoire Parmis BAO, Po, Li, Shifu, Tigresse : Peluches : Livraison gratuite possible dès 25€ This video belongs to its Respective Owner. il maestro Shifu è modellato su un panda rosso (anche se Shifu ha molto più pelo bianco che rosso); nel suo scontro con il temibile Tai Lung, Po impiega lo stile dell’orso dell’arte del kung fu. Apr 8, 2016 - Explore Megan Starling's board "Master Shifu", followed by 228 people on Pinterest. Shifu then learned that the panda had a deep self-loathing, as Po revealed he had taken all the abuse because he considered it better than being himself, and had hoped the master could change him. Early in story development, Shifu was going to be, According to a video interview, Shifu had a longer nose in early character development. Shifu is seen with the same, green-colored attire in Kung Fu Panda 3. Shirong (father)Tai Lung (adopted son)Tigress (adopted daughter) "[8], In Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness, Shifu wholly welcomed Mr. Ping as a guest to the Jade Palace on account of his demolished noodle shop, despite Po's qualms. È considerato uno dei migliori film d'animazione della storia. A devastated Shifu then watches the statue of Oogway fall down the steps and land in the valley below. Though Po won, he gave back the dumpling, declaring with confidence that he wasn't hungry, and ended bowing respectfully to his master, with Shifu bowing to him in return. Shifu's elusiveness borders on the mystical. Peluche Maestro Shifu Kung Fu Panda Dreamworks Big Headz 20Cm Pupazzo plush . 9,99 EUR 0 enchères + 22,00 EUR livraison . New (4) from $59.99 + FREE Shipping. The concept of inner peace is first illustrated with the relationship of Shifu and Tai Lung. Dustin Hoffman (films & shorts)[5]Fred Tatasciore (video games[6] & TV series)[7]. ", Unable to go against Oogway's wishes directly, Shifu tried scaring Po off in the hope that Oogway would choose one of his students instead. With Tai Lung approaching, he ordered the Five to evacuate the Valley, while he would fight Tai Lung himself. Jeu Kung Fu Panda 2 . When the adoption day came, however, the adults were still afraid of her and wouldn't take her, much to her disappointment. He determined that he would prove that Po wasn't the true Dragon Warrior by treating him to many punishing "exercises", believing the panda would swiftly bow under the stress and quit by morning. Fue mi orgullo lo que me cegó. Ater meeting the clumsy panda face-to-face, Shifu wasted no time in trying to intimidate him, insulting his portly body weight and bullying him with potential use of the Wuxi Finger Hold when he talked back. The stress soon became too much for Shifu and he removed his master's robe, preparing to quit kung fu and return to his old life. When the tortoise chose Shifu to be in charge of the Jade Palace, the latter two masters left to become members of the Sacred Onyx Council (which oversaw the practice of Shaolin Kung Fu), but Junjie held a powerful grudge against Shifu for being chosen as the Jade Palace's master over him. Though these students became well-known for their heroics, none of them were selected to be the Dragon Warrior, and Shifu was outraged when Po was chosen instead. The two now continue to sustain a good friendship, with only the occasional quarrel, and Po has also come to consider Shifu as being part of his family.[8]. Shifu took in Tigress when she was a child, giving her a home at the Jade Palace. But then he added that he eventually came to realize that it wasn't Po that was the problem, but instead within himself. Liste des citations dans le film/série Kung Fu Panda classées par personnage. In Kung Fu Panda 2, Shifu has ascended to Oogway's old position as Grand Master and spiritual adviser of the Jade Palace, he is seen wearing a jade green shawl kept closed by a golden clasp with an insignia on the back, much like his silvery winter shawl, and similar to one that Oogway wore before his passing. Before passing away, Oogway assured him that the panda could indeed stop Tai Lung, if Shifu would only guide and believe in him. Residence However, Shifu becomes unbalanced at seeing Oogway's chi pendant around Kai's neck and, as a result, his hit fails to hurt Kai directly, causing Shifu to fall to the ground. 4 . Character information Oogway, however, encouraged Shifu that Po could defeat Tai Lung if he would believe in him. She is a master of the Tiger Style of kung fu. Po appeared to be getting better at the art, but still was lacking balance, and at one point was 'flung' into a tree by a vase, much to Shifu's surprise and exasperation. He's capable of appearing where he's least expected within the blink of an eye. Shifu congratulating Po on finding inner peace. First appearance Orange-brown robe;black pants(white in "Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness") brown belt (in Kung Fu Panda) Orange-brown robe; green belt and green shawl (in Kung Fu Panda 2 and Kung Fu Panda 3) Confused and outraged that Shifu couldn't object against his master's decision for him, this darkness filled Tai Lung's soul as he went on a killing spree across the Valley of Peace, cutting an untold amount of destruction before returning to take the Dragon Scroll by force. Masque de Maître Shifu Kung-Fu Panda 3 - 12 âge; Jeu Kung Fu Panda 2 - 3 . This led to an argument with Po, who reminded him that he was trying to get rid of him since he arrived. Finally, it paid off, young Tigress learned the control she needed to safely interact with the other orphans. Shifu & Oogway HD - Kung Fu Panda (Español Latino) - YouTube Shifu had been told by Oogway that whoever he chose to be the Dragon Warrior would bring peace to the Valley, and to Shifu himself. Shifu is most often seen wearing a reddish-burgundy robe with a brown-colored sash. Media info Quelle est la citation de Maître Shifu la plus courte ? When Oogway summoned Shifu. Shifu briefly mentioned in the episode "My Favorite Yao" that Yao showed signs of his phenomenal intelligence all throughout life. [12], Shifu and the Furious Five watching Po in the Training Hall. Livraison à 0,01€ seulement pour votre première commande expédiée par Amazon. With nothing else left to do, Shifu told Po and the Furious Five to evacuate the Valley. After he said Po about teaching kung-fu, Shifu swiftly ran to the gate leaving Po behind. [12], Oogway and Shifu looking into the Moon Pool in Kung Fu Panda, Oogway took Shifu in and raised him from the age of twelve when Shifu's father, Shirong ,left him on the steps of the Jade Palace after falsely promising to come back in five minutes. Tai Lung, however, did not hesitate to shatter Shifu's hip. But then he added that he eventually came to realize that it wasn't Po that was the problem, but instead within himself. Hey Guys. But before they could claim the sword with the intention of using it for good, Shifu realized its dangerous connection to Xi'an's spirit and faked a trip that made him drop the sword into the volcano, where he hoped it would be lost forever; sadly, the act was perceived as an act of cowardice by his teammates. He trained Po and soon came to believe he really was the Dragon Warrior. He now acts as both a friend and mentor to Po. A youthful Shifu and a young Tai Lung training in the Jade Palace, Master Shifu was seen as a loving father and devoted teacher to a young Tai Lung when the cub first showed up. In the credits of the first film, he is seen laughing at the way Tigress was acting, due to seeing that she attempted to try Po's cooking and had a noodle hanging on her lip. Yet, Shifu still had to test the balance developed for his description as a teacher within his status of master, and immediately did so when he seemed to have found both a pupil for himself to also act as a father to within a snow leopard cub named Tai Lung, who he found abandoned at the gates of the Jade Palace training grounds one night later and adopted as his own son. Kai soon arrives at the Jade Palace, with the Jade Zombies of Crane and Mantis, which horrifies Shifu. [12], Shifu approaching a young Tigress at the Bao Gu Orphanage. -Maestro Shifu His training with this loyalty-centering art thus taught Shifu that true balance would be obtained not by letting the world's weight control him, but by becoming weightless and having control of the world. Shifu appears to be powerless as he watches Kai lift a statue of Oogway and, to Shifu's horror, hurl it into the Jade Palace, paving a path of destruction as it collides. However, upon opening the scroll, it was revealed that it was blank. Information in this section may conflict with previously established canon. This time, Shifu did not hesitate to face Tai Lung in combat, but he was no match for his opponent's rage. Il saggio maestro Shifu di Kung Fu Panda 2 Ex maestro di Tai Lung, sconfitto da Po, Shifu è un panda minore nonché saggio maestro di Po, nei confronti del quale è diventato molto più premuroso dopo averne captate le straordinarie capacità nelle arti marziali. left unable to fight, the sick red panda reluctantly dispatched Tigress to recruit four warriors to fight against Boar. After being persuaded by Po to enter, Mr. Ping greeted him by saying, "It's good to see you, Master Shifu. Jeu Kung Fu Panda 2 . mayo de 2020. Unwilling to make the same mistake he made with Tai Lung, he became distant and closed off to his students, driving them with vigorous training inside the newly-revamped Training Hall—the most challenging training hall ever designed so far. Po was reluctant to let Shifu fight alone, afraid he would be killed, but he obeyed and left with the Five. The following is a list of characters from the DreamWorks animated film media franchise Kung Fu Panda, with their shorts and specials Secrets of the Furious Five, Kung Fu Panda Holiday, Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Masters, and Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Scroll, as well as the video games and TV show Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness and Kung Fu Panda: The Paws of Destiny Shifu reading the distress message to Po and the Five. But upon seeing the happy celebration in the shop, Shifu came to appreciate Po's decision, and Po invited him inside, telling him that he was part of his family as well. Since Po's heroism in becoming the Dragon Warrior, Shifu has let go of his bitterness and attained inner peace. The fight was evenly matched for a long time, until Tai Lung renewed his vicious attacks on the aging master, screaming accusations and taunts before demanding to be told of how proud Shifu was of him. When Po crashed the ceremony by shooting himself into the air via a chair rocketed upward by fireworks and landing in front of Oogway just as the tortoise raised his hand to point out the Dragon Warrior, Shifu was outraged. [12], Shifu with a young Tigress in Secrets of the Furious Five. Shifu waited for him until nightfall, when eventually Master Oogway found him … As she was departing, Mantis arrived to give Shifu medical attention via acupuncture. But, after Tai Lung broke his heart, he became distant, a strict and mean taskmaster, and somewhat heartless. When being recruited by the matron of the of the Bao Gu Orphanage to help one of the orphans, a South Chinese tiger cub named Tigress control her temper and destructive strength. Eventually, he came to enlist the help of the Furious Five in finishing the preparations on time, right up to Shifu's exact specifications. Cured of his illness by Oogway, Shifu set to work helping Tigress develop her own Kung Fu and welcomed the other four as pupils as well, announcing them as the new Furious Five. Just after one training session, the pair were approached by Master Mongrel, who warned them of the approach of Boar, a villain who was defeating Kung fu masters left and right. The news instantly set them in an uproar, making Tigress and the other Five leave the palace to try and stop Tai Lung on their own while Shifu attempted to stop a panicking Po from leaving. His distant attitude upset Tigress, who constantly craved his approval and drove herself to earn it by bettering herself in Kung Fu and becoming a strong and dedicated pupil. Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious FiveKung Fu Panda HolidayKung Fu Panda: Secrets of the MastersKung Fu Panda: Secrets Of The Scroll The sleeves of his standard burgundy robe appear to have been re-sewn with the same jade material in place of the silver. She is a member of the Furious Five as well as one of Master Shifu's students at the Jade Palace. Shifu stopping Po from fleeing and quitting his training. Left unable to fight, Shifu reluctantly dispatched Tigress to recruit four warriors to fight against Boar. No las hay ni buenas ni malas. When it came to hiring a chef to cater to the feast, Po dismissed them all and failed to convince his father to help. Please SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel for More Movie Clips. Shifu Please SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube Channel for More Movie Clips. Maestro Shifu: panda minore, è il saggio maestro di Po. 14,90 EUR + 3,00 EUR livraison . 4,9 sur 5 étoiles 14. Kung Fu Panda Movie Figure 2-Pack Tai Lung & Master Shifu Kung Fu Panda Battle Figure Playset - Tai Lung vs Master Shifu figures each figure size approx 2" tall fun and decorative very hard to find. Shufu admitted this but pointed out that Po had chosen to stay despite this. When the adoption day came, however, the adults were still afraid of her and wouldn't take her, much to her disappointment. He then attempted to hug Shifu, only for him to mysteriously reappear behind him. Master Shifu is trainer to all the great warriors in the land, including the Furious Five. C'est aux côtés de Po, Grue, Tigresse, Vipère, Singe et Mante qu'il protège la vallée! Anxious, Shifu sought out Oogway under the Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom, relaying the bad news. When the time came for the choice to be made, Shifu thought that Oogway was going to choose Tigress until Po fell in front of her. Welcome to my Youtube Channel. . Oogway disappeared in a shower of peach petals and light as he passed away, leaving Shifu with his beloved peach-wood staff and a mountain of a problem to deal with. ou Faire une offre +3,00 EUR (livraison) C'est le dernier. Oogway Cette phrase possède 16 mots. Preparing himself, he awaited Tai Lung's arrival, and when the leopard showed up, the two engaged in violent combat. 2019 - Explorez le tableau « Kung fu panda » de lulu, auquel 156 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. Much to Mr Ping's dismay, Shifu encourages Po to go. Before he and Po headed over to the Jade Palace, Shifu briefly said his farewells to Mr. Ping. Eleanorkennington93. Kung Fu Panda : Master Shifu Vs Tai Lung… When Po finally bested Shifu at the game, and then demonstrated his emotional growth by declining to eat it as a sign of his overcoming his psychological dependence on food, he knew that Po was ready to receive the Dragon Scroll and revive the unlimited power that came with it. Paying for his hesitation, Tai Lung knocked Shifu aside with a crushing blow to the hip, and leaped up towards the Dragon Scroll, only to be disabled by Oogway's paralyzing strikes, which immobilized him.