Hedera helix, the common ivy, English ivy, European ivy, or just ivy, is a species of flowering plant in the family Araliaceae, native to most of Europe and western Asia. [10] H. helix can be best distinguished by the shape and colour of its leaf trichomes, usually smaller and slightly more deeply lobed leaves and somewhat less vigorous growth, though identification is often not easy.[11][14]. Chemical analyses of the nanoparticles detected only trace amounts of metals, once thought to be responsible for their high strength, indicating that they are largely organic. L'edera variegata ha bisogno di più luce rispetto alla varietà verde. Hedera helix is an evergreen climbing plant, growing to 20–30 m (66–98 ft) high where suitable surfaces (trees, cliffs, walls) are available, and also growing as groundcover where no vertical surfaces occur. ACQUISTA QUESTA All’apice dei fusti produce infiorescenze sferiche, costituite da piccoli fiori verdi, in Settembre – Ottobre, seguiti … Gli esemplari giovani ramificano con difficoltà anche se vengono cimati e non … ... ヘデラ・ヘリックス・ゴールドチャイルド(Hedera helix 'Goldchild')です。ゴールデン・チ... ヘデラ・ヘリックス・ゴールデンエッグ(Hedera helix 'Golden Egg')です。 [9][10][11], The closely related species Hedera canariensis and Hedera hibernica are also often treated as subspecies of H. helix,[11][13] though they differ in chromosome number so do not hybridise readily. 2 HEDERA helix 'Sagittifolia', marmorata 'Aurea' Clt. [1][2] [3] It is a flowering plant in the family of Araliaceae, just as the equally popular Dwarf Umbrella Tree. It fascinates with a curled leaf-edge and gives room ivy a whole new look. L’ Hedera helix è una pianta arbustiva, lianosa sempreverde, rampicante o strisciante al suolo e radicante. Hedera Helix 'Hibernica' è una varietà vigorosa rustica, a vegetazione rapida per tutte le esposizioni. Grandi foglie coriacee, verde intenso lucido. Al genere hedera appartengono numerose specie di arbusti rampicanti, sempreverdi, diffusi nelle zone temperate dell'emisfero nord; H. helix è una specie molto diffusa in Europa e … Spedizione gratuita in Italia per ordini superiori a solo € 50. Contiene numerosi principi attivi grazie ai quali si presta a numerosi utilizzi curativi e cosmetici. The specific epithet helix derives from Ancient Greek ἕλιξ (elix) "helix" and from the Latin helicem, "spiral" first used around 1600.The binomial in its entirety thus has the meaning "the clinging plant that coils in spirals (helices)". ヘデラの仲間のなかで園芸的に多く利用されるのは、セイヨウキヅタ(ヘデラ・へリックス Hedera helix )を筆頭に、キヅタ( H. rhombea )とオカメヅタ( H. canariensis )で、園芸品種が数百にも及ぶバラエティ豊かな植物です。. Shipping in Europe. L'edera è una pianta rampicante presente in diverse varietà, la più comune delle quali è l'Hedera helix. Adatta ad essere coltivata in vasi sospesi o posti su mensole, per dar modo ai suoi rami di crescere liberi. 浦島農園さんのオリ... ヘデラ・ヘリックス・バタフライ(Hedera helix 'Butterfly')です。シュートを少しづつ伸ば... ゼラニウム&アイビーゼラニウムが大好きです。 でも自宅で育てるには数が限られてしまい、数多くの品種や名無しでも素敵なゼラニウムを沢山見たいと思いコミュニティを... 我が家の母は良く果物から発芽させるわ 採ってきた花から根が付くという稀にみる。 雑草根性をもつ植物のブリーダー(?)(笑) 切った豆苗を水につけて再生してみたり... 「斑」入り植物が大好きです。 斑が入ってるだけでつい欲しくなったりしませんか? ご自慢の斑入り植物をぜひ投稿してください! お待ちしています☆ 楽しくお気楽に参加... 部屋に「緑」の癒しを。冬こそ!インドアグリーン~好評発売中『趣味の園芸』1月号の大特集, ブッシュ、シュラブ・ローズの冬剪定を極める~連載「"レジェンド"鈴木満男さんに教わるバラ栽培の奥義」第10回(1月号), つる性,耐寒性が強い,日陰でも育つ,初心者でも育てやすい,グラウンドカバーにできる,常緑性. Le piante di edera non temono il freddo e possono sopportare anche temperature molto rigide; in effetti però temono un poco il caldo e non amano ricevere il sole diretto; è quindi opportuno porre a dimora in luogo ombreggiato o semi ombreggiato, al riparo dalla luce per gran parte della giornata. It ranges from Ireland northeast to southern Scandinavia, south to Portugal, and east to Ukraine and Iran and northern Turkey. These are difficult to remove, leaving an unsightly "footprint" on walls, and possibly resulting in expensive resurfacing work. ヘデラ・ヘリックス・ゴールデン・スターライト(Hedera helix 'Golden Starlight')です。 特にセイヨウキヅタには、白や黄色の覆輪、中斑、散り斑、掃け込み斑、縞斑など美しい斑入り品種が数多くあります。. Like other exotic species, ivy has predominantly been spread to areas by human action. Suggested uses Banks and Slopes, City, Cottage/Informal, Beds and borders, Ground Cover, Low Maintenance, Wallside and trellises -", Invasive Species Council of British Columbia, "Nanospherical arabinogalactan proteins are a key component of the high-strength adhesive secreted by English ivy", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hedera_helix&oldid=996618903, Articles with dead external links from November 2017, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles with dead external links from September 2017, Articles with dead external links from March 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 27 December 2020, at 18:14. A rampant, clinging evergreen vine, it is a familiar sight in gardens, waste spaces, on walls, tree trunks and in wild areas across its native habitat. "Beliebte immergrüne winterharte Kletterpflanzen", Plant for Wildlife: Common Ivy (Hedera helix), "Bauwerksbegrünung - Hinweise zum Energiesparen", "BRONCHOSTAD© Hustenlöser-Tropfen - STADA", Oregon bans sale of English ivy, butterfly bushes, "English ivy, Hedera helix (Apiales: Araliaceae)", "Ring in the holiday season and reduce the spread of invasive species! L’edera appartiene alla Famiglia delle apiaceae ed al genere Hedera , si tratta di una pianta sempreverde, rampicante e molto rustica Careful planning and placement are essential. Ha fusti volubili che aderiscono per mezzo di radici avventizie, emesse in corrispondenza dei nodi delle ramificazioni, a qualsiasi elemento ne permetta lo sviluppo verticale, ove ciò non si verifichi questi assumono portamento strisciante aderendo al suolo. L'Hedera Helix è una specie tipica dell'Europa e delle zone settentrionali dell'Asia. [57][58] The matrix portion of the composite is made of pectic polysaccharides. Ivy, and especially European ivy (H. helix) grows vigorously and clings by means of fibrous roots, which develop along the entire length of the stems. Una pianta può coprire 8-10 m2. Hedera helix, the common ivy, English ivy, European ivy, or just ivy, is a species of flowering plant in the family Araliaceae, native to most of Europe and western Asia. #1 English Ivy (Hedera Helix) Best Care Hacks English Ivy (Hedera Helix) is a highly popular and one of the most recognizable houseplants. Spesso compaiono, agli apici dei rami, foglie completamente bianche. Varietà-Variety-Vielfalt-Variété helix 'Sagittifolia', marmorata 'Aurea' Descrizione-Description-Beschreibung-Description Clt. Cresce facilmente e, rispetto alle varietà più comuni, ha una crescita più lenta, richiede quindi meno cure. Botanical Name: Hedera helix ‘Aloma Ivy’ This Hedera helix variety has pale green leaves when the plant is young, turning into a lush mid-green foliage with silver-white borders as it matures. L’ Hedera helix L. (1753) è originaria dell’Africa (Algeria, Isole Canarie, Libia, Madeira, Marocco e Tunisia), Asia occidentale (Cipro, Israele, Libano, Siria e Turchia), Caucaso (Armenia, Georgia e Russia) ed Europa (Albania Alcune varietà, con foglie piccole o a crescita lenta, possono essere utilizzate senza problemi anche come piante da appartamento. [20], Over 30 cultivars have been selected for such traits as yellow, white, variegated (e.g., 'Glacier'), and/or deeply lobed leaves (e.g. It is a fast-growing, self-clinging climber that is capable of causing damage to brickwork, guttering, etc., and hiding potentially serious structural faults, as well as harbouring unwelcome pests. However, ivy can be problematic. Curly variegated can measure up to 300 centimetresand does not stand frost.Hedera helix goldheartAnother new eyecatcher is hedera helix goldheart. Hedera helix 'Pink 'n' Curly' (Ivy 'Pink 'n' Curly') will reach a height of 8m and a spread of 2m after 5-10 years. As they dry out, the hairs shrink and curl, effectively pulling the root closer to the surface. Hedera Helix Hibernica Una tenace pianta sempreverde La pianta di Hedera Helix Hibernica appartiene alla famiglia delle Arialiacae, può essere definita come la pianta rampicante d’eccellenza, ideale per ricoprire pareti e muretti con un colore sempre brillante o semplicemente da coltivare in vaso. The leafs are crème-green and very divergent to classic ivy. Ivy should not be planted or encouraged in areas where it is invasive. 卵型が特徴的な... ヘデラ・ヘリックス・マダムチャコ(Hedera helix 'Madam Chaco')です。 Hedera helix ‘Tussie Mussie’ Above: Hedera helix ‘Tussie Mussie’ is similarly pointed and pedate-leaved, with pale green splashes. Synonyms include Hedera acuta, Hedera arborea ("tree ivy"),[5] Hedera baccifera, Hedera grandifolia,[6] bindwood, and lovestone. As with any self-climbing facade green, some care is required to make best use of the positive effects: Ivy covering the walls of an old building is a familiar and often attractive sight. rhombea)とオカメヅタ(H. Within its native range, the species is greatly valued for attracting wildlife. [41] The leaves can cause severe contact dermatitis in some people. In the United States, H. helix is considered weedy or invasive in a number of regions and is on the official noxious weed lists in Oregon and Washington. [40] In 1597, the British herbalist John Gerard recommended water infused with ivy leaves as a wash for sore or watering eyes. In Europe, it is frequently planted to cover walls[18] and the Bavarian government recommends growing it on buildings for its ability to cool the interior in summer, while providing insulation in winter, as well as protecting the covered building from soil moisture, temperature fluctuations and direct exposure to heavy weather. Hedera … Le foglie possono avere delle variegature ai margini e sulle nervature del fogliame di diverso colore: gialle, dorate, bianco-crema o grigie. The plants have to be cut off at the base, and the stumps dug out or killed to prevent regrowth.[54]. Additionally, ivy can quickly invade gutters and roofspaces, lifting tiles and causing blockages. Ha fusti sottili, semi-legnosi e flessibili, che si trasformano in legnosi con gli anni. Genus and speciesCurly Variegated, curled hedera helixAn insiders’ tip from plant lovers is the curled hedera helix. Hedera helix 'Goldheart' Per abbellire pareti e recinzioni Questo rampicante risulta molto decorativo grazie alle stupende foglie verde scuro, impreziosite da un cuore dorato! It also harbors mice and other creatures. Hedera helix is able to climb relatively smooth vertical surfaces, creating a strong, long lasting adhesion with a force of around 300 nN. Hedera helix Varietà: "Hibernica" Hai bisogno di informazioni? The genus name Hedera is the Classical Latin word for ivy, which is cognate with Greek χανδάνω (khandánō) "to get, grasp", both deriving ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *gʰed- "to seize, grasp, take". [9][10][11][12][13][15] Hedera helix itself is much more winter-hardy and survives temperatures of −23.3 °C (−9.9 °F) (USDA Zone 6a) and above. 'Sagittifolia'), purple stems, and slow, dwarfed growth. The flowers are visited by over 70 species of nectar-feeding insects, and the berries eaten by at least 16 species of birds. The northern and eastern limits are at about the −2 °C (28 °F) winter isotherm, while to the west and southwest, it is replaced by other species of ivy. [56] The glue-like substance is a nano composite adhesive that consists of uniform spherical nanoparticles 50-80 nm in diameter in a liquid polymer matrix. [48] Like other invasive vines such as kudzu, H. helix can grow to choke out other plants and create "ivy deserts". ], ivy is believed to have been spread back across the continent by birds once the continent warmed up again. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Coni d'edera varietà hedera helix "withe wonder" e "golden ingot" English (US) Español Français (France) 中文(简体) العربية Português (Brasil) 한국어 Italiano Deutsch ह न द 日本語 … It is considered a noxious weed across southern, especially south-eastern, Australia and local councils provide free information and limited services for removal. Ivy can climb into the canopy of young or small trees in such density that the trees fall over from the weight,[50] a problem that does not normally occur in its native range. One to five seeds are in each berry, which are dispersed after being eaten by birds. Non presenta particolari controindicazioni ma va evitata in caso di … In the past, the leaves and berries were taken orally as an expectorant to treat cough and bronchitis. È un eccellente coprisuolo. It benefits from being displayed as a specimen, on a columnar support, rather than being expected to cover a vertical flat plane. Vendita online piante di Hedera Helix in vaso. These tiny hairs grow into any small crevices available, secrete glue-like nanoparticles, and lignify. The fruit are purple-black to orange-yellow berries 6–8 mm (0.2–0.3 in) in diameter, ripening in late winter,[8] and are an important food for many birds, though somewhat poisonous to humans. Calcium ions present in the matrix induce interactions between carboxyl groups of these components, causing a cross linking that hardens the adhesive. A rampant, clinging evergreen vine , it is a familiar sight in gardens, waste spaces, on walls, tree trunks and in wild areas across its native habitat. [16], Ivy is widely cultivated as an ornamental plant. Le foglie da tri- a pentalobate, da ampiamente ovate a triangolari, sono lunghe 4-6 cm. La varietà originale di Hedera helix possiede foglie con 4-5 lobi, di colore verde scuro, lucide sulla pagina superiore e solcate da nervature di colore verde più chiaro. La pianta di Hedera helix “Souvenir de Marengo” è un arbusto rampicante, ricadente e tappezzante, dal fogliame persistente, di colore verde, con variegatura bianca. Ivy ‘Tussie Mussie’ looks as though it belongs in an Edwardian glasshouse. [49][50] Its sale or import is banned in Oregon. It climbs by means of aerial rootlets with matted pads which cling strongly to the substrate. The foliage provides dense evergreen shelter, and is also browsed by deer.[9][17]. [51] Ivy can easily escape from cultivated gardens and invade nearby parks, forests and other natural areas. Hedera helix elegantissima è, senza dubbio, la varietà di edera a fogliame variegato più interessante nel Nord Italia. The flowers are produced from late summer until late autumn, individually small, in 3-to-5 cm-diameter (1.2-to-2.0 in) umbels, greenish-yellow, and very rich in nectar, an important late autumn food source for bees and other insects. Hedera helix 'Erecta' (Ivy 'Erecta') will reach a height of 1m and a spread of 0.5m after 5-10 years. Varietà comune tra le edere. Hedera Helix ( o Edera comune) è una pianta rampicante molto decorativa. The leaves are alternate, 50–100 mm (2–4 in) long, with a 15–20 mm (0.6–0.8 in) petiole; they are of two types, with palmately five-lobed juvenile leaves on creeping and climbing stems, and unlobed cordate adult leaves on fertile flowering stems exposed to full sun, usually high in the crowns of trees or the top of rock faces. Where it is established, it is very difficult to control or eradicate. H. helix is labeled as an invasive species in many parts of the United States, and its sale or import is banned in the state of Oregon.[44]. In some councils it is illegal to sell the plant. A morphometric analysis of Hedera L. (the ivy genus, Araliaceae) and its taxonomic implications. In its mature form, dense ivy can destroy habitat for native wildlife and creates large sections of solid ivy where no other plants can develop.[50]. Recent work has shown that the nanoparticles are likely composed in large part of arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), which exist in other plant adhesives as well. The modern English ivy derives from Middle English ivi from Old English īfiġ, deriving in turn from Proto-Germanic *ibahs. canariensis)で、園芸品種が数百にも及ぶバラエティ豊かな植物です。特にセイヨウキヅタには、白や黄色の覆輪、中斑、散り斑、掃け込み斑、縞斑など美しい斑入り品種が数多くあります。 The ability to climb on surfaces varies with the plants variety and other factors: Hedera helix prefers non-reflective, darker and rough surfaces with near-neutral pH. L'è 'na piànta rampicànta che g'ha fòie perèni. Hedera helix (en bresà: ligabósch) l'è 'na piànta de la famìa botànica de le Araliaceae. Euro Plants Vivai utilizza i Cookie per migliorare la sua esperienza su questo Sito Web. Posseggono  foglie  di colore verde scuro, solcate da nervature, su molte specie sono presenti segni di eterofillia, termine attribuito a piante che posseggono foglie di forma diversa. Extra + Questa edera (Hedera helix) è originaria delle zone a clima temperato dell'Europa. It has insulating as well as weather protection benefits, dries the soil and prevents wet walls, but can be problematic if not managed correctly. Having disappeared during the glaciation[which? Alla fine degli anni ’80, la NASA effettuò … Le numerose varietà che derivano da ibridazioni si adattano ad ogni tipo di coltivazione sia da … As a result of its hardy nature, and its tendency to grow readily without human assistance, English ivy has attained popularity as an ornamental plant, and escaped plants have led to naturalisations outside its native range. The meaning is uncertain but the word may be cognate with the Ancient Greek ἴφυον (íphuon) meaning, not Hedera helix, but the (unrelated) Lavandula spica.[4]. [57], https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/hedera#Latin, "Biological Flora of the British Isles no. Esistono però anche varietà non particolarmente tolleranti al gelo, tra queste:  Hedera canariensis  e le cultivar derivate. Le foglie di colore verde scuro lucide, con macchie argentee lungo le nervature, presentano la lamina larga circa 10 cm. 特徴. HEDERA HELIX Questa specie molto diffusa, che rappresenta la comune edera, in Italia arriva a crescere fino a 15-30 m. di altezza. Non trovi la pianta che fa per te? Le specie più adatte a questo scopo sono quelle piante che presentano fogliame di ridotte dimensioni e di altezza contenuta, anche quelle a crescita lenta sono particolarmente indicate. [9] Although popular as a winter holiday decoration, H. helix is invasive and is a pathogen alternate host in British Columbia.[52][53]. [21], The following cultivars have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit:[22]. In the absence of active and ongoing measures to control its growth, it tends to crowd out all other plants, including shrubs and trees. [46], H. helix has been listed as an "environmental weed" by the Department of Conservation since 1990.[47]. 268 Hedera helix L". Da Edera Helix sono derivate moltissime varietà che cambiano molto nella forma (stellata, palmata, romboidale). It is a weed in the Australian state of Victoria. State- and county-sponsored efforts are encouraging the destruction of ivy in forests of the Pacific Northwest and the Southern United States. Adv. [39] Hedera canariensis: originaria delle isole Canarie e dell’Africa settentrionale, questa specie molto vigorosa può raggiungere i 4-6 m. di altezza e presenta foglie di consistenza cuoiosa, lobate, a base cordata e di colore variabile dal verde del periodo estivo al verde-bronzo del periodo invernale con screziature verde-grigio e bianche diverse da foglia a foglia. La sua principale caratteristica è la rusticità: … 8. [42][43] People who have this allergy (strictly a type IV hypersensitivity) are also likely to react to carrots and other members of the Apiaceae as they contain the same allergen, falcarinol. L'è 'na spéce uriginària dei bósch ömecc de l' Euròpa ucidentàla, centràla e meridiunàla, de l' Africa setentriunàla e de l' Asia, de l' India 'nfìna al Giapù. [19] Further uses include weed suppression in plantings, beautifying unsightly facades and providing additional green by growing on tree trunks. La pianta di Hedera helix “Jacobine” è una pianta d’appartamento sempreverde appartenente alla famiglia delle Araliaceae, dal portamento rampicante di medie dimensioni, possiede foglie di colore verde scuro. ヘデラの仲間のなかで園芸的に多く利用されるのは、セイヨウキヅタ(ヘデラ・へリックス Hedera helix)を筆頭に、キヅタ(H. [55] This is accomplished through a complex method of attachment starting as adventitious roots growing along the stem make contact with the surface and extend root hairs that range from 20 to 400 μm in length. Alcune varietà coltivate in appartamento sono: Hedera helix ‘Chicago’. Ivy extracts are part of current cough medicines. Edera (Hedera helix): parassiti e malattie Stiamo parlando di piante che, generalmente, si caratterizzano per avere un elevato livello di resistenza nei confronti di … [45] With a great capacity for adaptation, ivy will grow wherever development conditions and habitat similar to that of its European origins exist, occurring as opportunistic species across a wide distribution with close vicariant relatives and few species, indicating recent speciation. It generally thrives in a wide range of soil pH with 6.5 being ideal, prefers moist, shady locations and avoids exposure to direct sunlight, the latter promoting drying out in winter.[7]. e divisa in 4-5 lobi. Therefore, if a green facade is desired, this decision has to be made consciously, since later removal would be tedious. Genere Specie varietà hedera helix hibernica Altezza (cm) 800-900 Esposizione mo Zona 5-9 Vaso 08 Prezzo (euro) 2,5 Famiglia: Araliaceae L’altezza è compresa tra 800-900 cm, il colore del fiore è , resistenza massima al 気根(付着根)を出して壁や樹木などに張りついて成長する性質をもっているので、家庭のフェンスや建物に這わせたり、インテリアグリーンやコンテナに寄せ植えする際のアクセントにするとよいでしょう。法面や緑地帯などでも広く利用されています。また、ガーデン用以外に切り花やブーケの添え葉にも使われます。, 会員登録をすると、園芸日記、そだレポ、アルバム、コミュニティ、マイページなどのサービスを無料でご利用いただくことができます。, 花がなくても楽しめる、多肉植物的な原種ラン。誌面に載せきれなかったおすすめ種を紹介!, 会員限定で「花とみどりのギフト券」3,000円分を抽選で5名様にプレゼントいたします!, 植えつけ・植え替え、剪定など、すぐに役立つ園芸作業の基本を、写真付きでわかりやすく解説, あなたの植物の症状は? 大切な植物を病気や害虫から守るための、見て分かる病気と害虫ガイド, 寄せ植え向きの植物選びや、作り方のポイントを紹介。参考になるキレイな作品写真も見られます, ここだけで読める連載「テキストこぼれ話」。『趣味の園芸』で語りきれなかった話を限定公開, 全国の植物園一覧。日本植物園協会に加盟している植物園を中心に紹介。植物園に出かけよう!, NHK「趣味の園芸」講師陣による植物の育て方情報が満載! 日記やそだレポで栽培記録もつけられる。園芸、ガーデニングの情報コミュニティサイト | みんなの趣味の園芸, 最も利用されている種。グラウンドカバーのほか、室内の観葉植物としても利用される。葉形や葉色(斑)などがバラエティに富み、多数の園芸品種がある。, 和名カナリーキヅタ。カナリア諸島、マデイラ諸島、北アフリカ原産。斑入りの園芸品種‘Variegata’が緑地帯や壁面緑化に用いられる。セイヨウキヅタに比べると耐寒性がやや弱い。, 日本、朝鮮半島南部、台湾の山野に自生。30〜40mにも伸びる。耐寒性が強く、壁面緑化に多く用いられる。, 広島市植物公園に勤務。ベゴニアやペラルゴニウムの仲間などを担当し、保有する豊富な野生種をもとに、耐暑性、耐寒性のあるベゴニアの育種に取り組む。それにとどまらず、幅広い植物に精通している。.