Bacaan hari ini: Roma 14:1-23 Bacaan setahun: Mazmur 73-74 “Sebab Kerajaan Allah bukanlah soal makanan dan minuman, tetapi soal kebenaran, damai sejahtera dan sukacita oleh Roh Kudus.” (Roma 14:17) Roma … Jesus' prayer was heard in the sense that his death truly becomes life, it becomes the place where he redeems the human being, where he attracts the human being to himself. That is, he must live true humanity, true humanism; he must be educated, have a human formation, human virtues; he must develop his intelligence, his will, his sentiments, his affections; he must be a true man, a man according to the will of the Creator, of the Redeemer, for we know that the human being is wounded and the question of "what man is" is obscured by the event of sin that hurt human nature even to the quick. Misalnya, mengingat pernyataan Yesus dalam Yohanes 14:27: "Damai sejahtera Kutinggalkan bagimu.Damai sejahtera-Ku Kuberikan kepadamu" pendekatan analitis akan fokus pada alasan pernyataan tersebut selama Perjamuan Terakhir, konteks Alkitab, dll Tapi di Lectio Divina … Lectio Divina As Carmelites We live our life of allegiance to Jesus Christ and to serve Him faithfully with a pure heart and a clear conscience through a commitment to seek the face of the living God (the contemplative dimension of life), through prayer, through fraternity, and through service ( diakonia ). 4:1-11 • Mzm. Thank you. This is how Christ showed his true humanity. Twitter. Jesus prayed to be released from death, but he was not released, he died a very cruel death. This would therefore be a hint of what St Luke tells us: an angel strengthened him (cf. We therefore practice it every day, so that we may develop a deep and genuine love for it, and so that we may grow in the surpassing knowledge of Christ. Tears: Jesus wept by the tomb of Lazarus, he was truly moved inwardly by the mystery of death, by the terror of death. The humanity of the priest does not correspond to the Platonic or Aristotelian ideal which claims that the true man is the one who lives in contemplation of the truth alone and so is blessed happy because he only has friendship with beautiful things, with divine beauty, while "the work" is left to others. Tumblr. Hall of Blessings Thursday, 18 February 2010 . God created us and we are ourselves if we conform with his will; only in this way do we enter into the truth of our being and are not alienated. Az olvasást követi a meditáció erről a kérdésről: mit mond a bibliai szöveg nekünk? The whole Davidic tradition refers to this, saying: "Here is the place, Jerusalem is the place of the true worship, the concentration of worship in Jerusalem dates back to the times of Abraham, Jerusalem is the true place for the proper veneration of God". Heb 5: 8-9). Lectio Divina: Thánh Têrêsa thành Avila, Tiến Sĩ Hội Thánh. No one can become a priest by himself; God alone can attract me, can authorize me, can introduce me into participation in Christ's mystery; God alone can enter my life and take me by the hand. In this very way he makes his sacrifice, he becomes the priest. After Abraham's victory over several kings, Melchizedek, King of Salem, of Jerusalem, appears and brings out bread and wine. Mariana Sofronie | 02 iulie 2018 In this way the Letter to the Hebrews presents the theme of the priesthood of Christ, of Christ the priest, at three levels: the priesthood of Aaron, that of the Temple; Melchizedek; and Christ himself as the true priest. The Author of the Letter to the Hebrews says that Jesus prayed loudly, with cries and tears, to God who could save him from death and that in his total abandonment he is heard (cf. Pin It on Pinterest. Let us meditate this year on the passages from the Letter to the Hebrews that have just been read. I think it would be helpful to keep in mind the brief text in which St John, in chapter 12 of his Gospel, presents and recounts, in a very concise manner, the event on the Mount of Olives. Accept Cookie. 97277580581 Paoloesse Comunicazione | Note legali. This is an unpopular word in our day. Let us rather be immersed in the passion of this world and with Christ's help and in communion with him, we must seek to transform it, to bring it to God. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Thứ Hai 18 Tháng Mười Một, 2019. Already present here is a third level of understanding: Jesus' Resurrection is not only a personal event. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Thứ Năm 15 Tháng Mười, 2020. This is a religious word and expresses the act of offering human gifts to God, it expresses precisely the act of offering, of sacrifice. This means that not only does Jesus fulfil the Davidic promise, the expectation of the true King of Israel and of the world, but he also makes the promise of the real Priest come true. Let us also make this reality a practical factor in our life: if this is how it is, a priest must really be a man of God, he must know God intimately and know him in communion with Christ and so we must live this communion; and the celebration of Holy Mass, the prayer of the Breviary, all our personal prayers are elements of being with God, of being men of God. Jn 1: 14). He transforms the whole of suffering humanity, taking it to himself in a cry to God to hear him. 11 Untuk mereka yang mendengarkan Dia di situ, Yesus melanjutkan perkataan-Nya dengan suatu perumpamaan, sebab Ia sudah dekat Yerusalem dan mereka menyangka, bahwa Kerajaan Allah akan segera kelihatan. A second term in this context is important. This seems to me important in the celebration of the Eucharist: here is gathered together all human prayer, all human desire, all true human devotion, the true search for God that is fulfilled at last in Christ. per acostar-se a la Paraula de Déu i endinsar-se millor en el seu significat. Is 52,7-10; Evr 1,1-6; In 1,1-18 „Şi Cuvântul s-a făcut trup şi a locuit între noi” (In 1,14). Jn 12: 28). In this regard, in my opinion, we must understand and learn how to accept more profoundly the sufferings of pastoral life, because priestly action is exactly this, it is mediation, it is entering into the mystery of Christ, it is communication with the mystery of Christ, very real and essential, existential and then sacramental. "You have made us like sheep for slaughter" (Ps 44[43]: 11 [rsv]). This Mystery was therefore necessary: the Son of God is made man so that he may be the true bridge for us, the true mediation. This is the response, it is God hearing him: I will glorify the Cross; it is the presence of divine glory because it is the supreme act of love. This is the same prayer that we find in the Synoptic Gospels: "all things are possible to you... your will be done (cf. Rather, he offered himself and made this offering of himself with the very compassion that transforms the suffering of the world into prayer and into a cry to the Father. Take the Scriptures reverently and call upon the Holy Spirit. Via di Sant'Ambrogio, 3 - 00186 Roma - C.F. Video lectio divina: 32. nedjelja kroz godinu (A) 7. studenoga 2020. Jesus says: "Now is my soul troubled" (Jn 12: 27) and, in all the anguish of the Mount of Olives, what shall I say? Lk 22: 43), in such a way that after the moment of anguish he was able to go, straight away and fearlessly towards his hour, as the Gospels describe it to us, especially that of John. Potaknuti Godinom Božje riječi u Požeškoj biskupiji, a s ciljem intenzivnijeg drugovanja s Božjom riječju i približavanja njezine poruke što širem broju vjernika svećenici Požeške biskupije snimaju kratke … Precisely this should be said, with the following really stimulating text: "Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears" (Heb 5: 7). It was here that God himself pitched his tent in the world, and this tent, this new, true Jerusalem is at the same time on earth and in Heaven because this Sacrament, this sacrifice, is ceaselessly brought about among us and always arrives at the throne of Grace, at God's presence. 06.697001 - Per inviare un e-mail Torna su Questo sito utilizza i cookie per analizzare il traffico a fini statistici ed in forma anonima . Moreover, we priests cannot withdraw to an Elysium. We know that in his Prologue, St John calls the humanity of Jesus the tent of God, eskènosen en hemìn (cf. These aspects are not to be regarded as differentiated stages, but as viewpoints of a single act which is at once simple and complex: simple, because it is basically an attempt to respond to God’s Word with all my heart; complex, because it is basically an attempt to respond to God’s Word with all my heart. The pagan world enters the Old Testament. In conclusion, lectio divina is a … Chiesa del Gesù, Via degli Astalli, 16 - 00186 Roma
A Lectio Divina a szöveg olvasásával, a lectióval kezdődik, mely fölveti a szöveg hiteles megismerésének kérdését: mit mond a bibliai szöveg önmagában? It is a proclamation of the kingship of Jesus, of the fulfilment of the messianic expectation of the Old Testament which, at the bottom of their hearts, is shared by all men and women who await the true King who will bring justice, love and brotherhood. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Lời Chúa nuôi dưỡng tương quan cá vị với Thiên Chúa … Finally the Letter to the Hebrews sums up all this compassion in the word hypakoèn, obedience: it is all obedience. Nor, in this sense, is our own priesthood limited to the religious act of Holy Mass in which everything is placed in Christ's hands but all of our compassion to the suffering of this world so remote from God is a priestly act, it is prosphèrein, it is offering up. Dòng Cát Minh, Phụ Tỉnh Thánh Giuse 95 Đường Số 38, Hiệp Bình Chánh, Thủ Đức, TP. Therefore emerging with Christ's help from this dark area in our nature so as to succeed in being truly human in the image of God is a lifelong process that must begin in our training for the priesthood. Thus we see that in this very way he brings about the priesthood, the function of mediator, bearing in himself, taking on in himself the sufferings and passion of the world, transforming it into a cry to God, bringing it before the eyes and to the hands of God and thus truly bringing it to the moment of redemption. For Heaven is open and people do not offer some thing, rather, the human being becomes one with God and this is true worship. Jn 12: 27-28). Jesus, in bearing the human being, being human in himself and with himself, in conformity with God, in perfect obedience, that is, in the perfect conformation between the two wills, has redeemed us and redemption is always this process of leading the human will to communion with the divine will. Hence it was not really abolished but renewed, transformed, so that in Christ all things might find their meaning. Lectio divina is still exists after more than fifteen centuries. At a first level the Greek text may be translated as: "he was redeemed from his anguish", and in this sense Jesus is heard. 150:1-2,3-4,5-6 • Luk. Pinterest. Obedience appears as an alienation, a servile attitude. it should be said that the Heavens are now open, worship is no longer enigmatic, in relative signs, but true. On the contrary, alienation occurs precisely by disregarding God's will, for in this way we stray from the plan for our existence; we are no longer ourselves and we fall into the void. Mt 26: 42; Mk 14: 36; Lk 22: 42) which in Johannine language appears: either as "save me" or "glorify" [your name]. Facebook. In other words the Letter to the Hebrews tells us that precisely by doing this Jesus was made a priest, and his priesthood was fulfilled. 8: 1-2). We learn two things from the Law, from the priesthood of Aaron, the Author of the Letter to the Hebrews says: if he is truly to be a mediator between God and man, a priest must be man. This means that Christ is the absolute newness of God and at the same time is present in the whole of history, through history, and history goes to encounter Christ. It is a correct translation of the verb prosphèrein. He weeps before Jerusalem, seeing the destruction of the beautiful city because of disobedience; he weeps, seeing all the destruction of the world's history; he weeps, seeing that people destroy themselves and their cities with violence and with disobedience. Harnack, a liberal theologian, therefore wrote: "Here a not is missing", it must be written "He was not heard", and Bultmann accepted this interpretation. And God answers: "I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again" (cf. The Letter to the Hebrews does not speculate but reports only what Scripture says and there are various elements: he is a king of righteousness, he dwells in peace, he is king where peace reigns, he venerates and worships the Most High God, the Creator of Heaven and earth, and he brings out bread and wine (cf. I see three levels on which to understand these words. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. In his interpretation of the Mount of Olives, of the anguish expressed precisely in Jesus' prayer, "not my will but your will", St Maximus Confessor described this process that Christ carries in himself as a true man, together with the human nature and will; in this act "not my will but your will" Jesus recapitulates the whole process of his life, of leading, that is, natural human life to divine life and thereby transforming the human being. It enters as a mysterious figure, without father or mother the Letter to the Hebrews says it simply appears, and in this figure can be seen the true veneration of the Most High God, of the Creator of the Heavens and of the earth. All events. Walaupun tidak terlalu tersebar luas dan dimaksudkan untuk mencapai kemanunggalan dengan Tuhan selain untuk memberikan pengertian spiritual dan kedamaian dari pengalaman ini. Lectio Divina: Lễ Cung Hiến Đền Thờ Thánh Phêrô và Phaolô ở Rôma, Lc 18:1-8. In conclusion, lectio divina is a bridge to eastern-style meditation. Thus with these religious terms applied to the prayers and tears of Christ, it shows that Christ's tears, his anguish on the Mount of Olives, his cry on the Cross, all his suffering are nothing in comparison with his important mission. For the Letter to the Hebrews, the essential element of our being human is being compassionate, suffering with others: this is true humanity. The other element is that the priest must be man, human in all senses. Others must have at least an authorization from God, or in the Church's case, the Sacrament, that is they must introduce our being into the being of Christ, into divine being. 2. Nella Parola la Chiesa trova “l’annuncio della sua identità, la grazia della sua conversione, il mandato della sua missione, la fonte della sua profezia, la ragione della sua speranza” (Sinodo 2008, Instrumentum Laboris, 12). It is a process for which we pray every day: "May your will be done" And let us really pray the Lord to help us see closely that this is freedom and thus enter joyfully into this obedience and into "taking hold of" human beings in order to bring them by our own example, by our humility, by our prayer, by our pastoral action into communion with God. Share This. Let us return to the point that Melchizedek is King of Salem. Susținerea și alimentarea transmiterii credinței la nivel local prin transferul unei bogate experiențe de aprofundare a textului biblic, propus mai bine de 25 de ani în biserica „ Santa Maria in Traspontina ”, Roma. Indeed, the priesthood of Aaron, in spite of being different from Christ's priesthood, in spite of being, so to speak, solely a quest, a journey in the direction of Christ, is nevertheless a "journey" towards Christ and in this priesthood the essential elements are already outlined. La lectio divina esprime la realtà della Chiesa come creatura Verbi: questa si fonda sulla Parola di Dio, nasce convocata dalla Parola e vive in essa. Pittura Lectio Divina, Roma (Rome, Italy). Lastly. "Father, save me from this hour... Father glorify your name" (cf. And the inscription on the Cross truly proclaimed this reality to the world: now there is the true King of Israel, who is King of the world, the King of the Jews hangs on the Cross. ©2021 - Chiesa del Santissimo Nome di Gesù all'Argentina - Roma - Chiesa del Gesù, Via degli Astalli, 16 - 00186 Roma Tel. Lectio Divina 23.12.2020 – Ia Dinamai Yohanes Puncta 24.12.20: Dream of Me RIP Romo Heinrich Bollen SVD, Pernah Jadi Pastor Komunitas Katolik Berbahasa Jerman di Jakarta And Jesus, who is the true subject of the Psalms, truly bears this cry of humanity to God, to God's ears: "help us and hear us!". There is mutual interaction between a reader and It is not sin because sin is never solidarity but always tears solidarity apart, it is living life for oneself instead of giving it. "LECTIO DIVINA" OF HIS HOLINESS BENEDICT XVI . Human means being generous, being good, being a just person, it means true prudence and wisdom. One does not enjoy one's own freedom, one's freedom is subjected to another's will, hence one is no longer free but determined by another, whereas self-determination, emancipation, would be true human existence. To be man: the Letter to the Hebrews stresses our humanity; we find this surprising for it says: "He can deal gently with the ignorant and wayward, since he himself is beset with weakness" (5: 2). Google+. And with this key it can reinterpret the Old Testament and show precisely that also the religious law abolished after the destruction of the Temple was actually moving towards Christ. Hall of Blessings Thursday, 10 March 2011 .
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